Heard a story once about Tommy Cooper at Aberdeen airport.
He was sitting in the bar having a drink waiting for his plane and there was a load of riggers in there after coming back from off-shore. As they got more pissed they got more lairy and one spots Tommy so he starts bugging him shouting "Hey Tommy show us a trick, come one just one trick" Tommys nae impressed and just wants to be left alone, but the guy keeps on hassling him eventually he goes "Alright I've got a smashing trick for you, give us your watch" so the guy takes off his Rolex and gives it to Tommy Cooper who then says to the guy behind the bar "Have you got a hammer?", so the barman goes off and comes back with a hammer. Tommy then wraps the watch in a bar towel, smashes the shite out of the Rolex and hands it back to the guy, and says "There you are there's your smashing trick!"