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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by paulinho

  1. @Kowalski - I had £2 on Unirea (7/2) and Lyon (15/4) to beat Rangers and Liverpool respectively. Also threw £10 on Sevilla to beat Stuttgart starting at -1 goal. (3/1 for that)
  2. @amp - Congratulations.
  3. Sunderland's odds earlier in the week were too big to be ignored.
  4. @Azteca1903 - Do you believe McGhee is going to release players from a threadbare squad without replacing them?
  5. @19afc03 - These videos are awful, you should stop making them.
  6. @Reekie_Red - I have the paper in front of me and McGhee is quoted as saying "Going into the European games a couple of weeks into the job was a big ask. It was the hardest task I've had coming into a club." Maybe you should read the article?
  7. @CtS - Does it make a difference to your life if Aberdeen come top of a poll which has no bearing on reality?
  8. @Ajja - Does anyone really care about a random poll on Sky Sports website?
  9. @Seebass - The Under 20 World Cup is televised so you can watch every game.
  10. @SeeBass - Italy won 3-1
  11. @SeeBass - If you like to dabble in live bets then it's worth putting some money on the Italian Under 20s against Spain Under 20s that is playing just now. Spain have had a player sent off after half an hour and you can still get odds of 3/1 for Italy.
  12. @El Padre - There's a new series of Eastbound and Down that started on FX this week, the first episode was a barrel of laughs. It has been produced by Will Ferrell.
  13. @ally s - Foster's played a number of games at centre half and always done a great job, Foster suits that position as he's good at staying touch tight and also has pace to catch opposing forwards.
  14. @El Padre - I have just watched the Derren Brown shows after they were recommended to me. I would like to go on record and say that I do not recommend watching them.
  15. @Ajja - You are correct Sir, the Scotsman has went down the red-top sensationalist road in recent times which I think is directly linked to the increase in digital media as they're not the only paper to have done so. Sign of the times sadly
  16. @El Padre - One of the major faults of Aberdeen FC in years gone by has been the apparent reluctance to negotiate new contracts earlier in the season yet you're now suggesting that they should not be doing this?
  17. @dave_min - I never said that you did not spend very much of your income, I merely pointed out that I doubted that you put at least 20% of your income into Aberdeen FC and I stand by that statement. I do not think that any fan does. And I sincerely doubt that you spend 10% of your income on Aberdeen, with that I mean that the funds are going directly into the pockets of the club. The 20% figure came about from earlier in this debate as I suggested that Milne would have to give up around that percentage of his supposed wealth to make any difference to the club. For someone who studies Economics & Management at University I'd have expected you to have understand what an investment is. Buying a ticket or a replica shirt is not an investment, unless of course you intend to sell it on for a larger sum of money. You've since acknowledged and agreed with some of the points I've made, silly little boy. x
  18. @Jagerdeen - Please feel free to interject at any point.
  19. @minijc - What have you sorted? @dave_min - This is the quote you made about Milne being a die-hard I've explained why he won't invest in the club as he won't see a return, which I'd like to think you'd agree with, so you are asking him to give money for nothing.
  20. dave_min - You are trying to turn an interesting debate into an argument you stupid little boy. I did not intend to give you a patronising business lesson but merely wanted to explain the meaning of the word invest. A businessman will only invest in something if they think they will get a return. Dragon's Den. Watch it. My point regarding 99.9% of businessmen stands, there aren't any investing in Scottish clubs are there? The Scottish game is in an unhealthy state just now, and Aberdeen are in a rut due to new stadium requirements and the issue surrounding the little money coming into the Scottish game. Find me someone who says they are worth investing in and I'll show you a madman. First off you need around £10m to service the debt. Then £20-30m for a new stadium. Then £xm to improve the product on the pitch. I'd go as far to say £50m. When would anyone expect to see a return on that? The money you give to the club every week is not an investment, I assume you don't really believe it is. I have no idea what you earn but there's no way that you spend 20% of it on Aberdeen FC in a year. If you do, fair fucks to you, but I don't believe you do and I think you know it as well. If you are spending 120% of your income on Aberdeen FC this weekend then you need to take on another paper round. Spending money on beer, trains, and so on is not going into the pocket of Aberdeen FC . We were not talking about the money you spend following Aberdeen, we were talking about how much money you put into the club. And if you agree that the club has to be self-sufficient then why are you complaining that Milne isn't giving his money to the club?
  21. @dave_min - An investment is something in which you expect to see a return. If you can explain how someone can invest money in Aberdeen and expect to make it back with profit then I'm interested to hear it. There are many great business-minded people out there and I am confient that 99.9% would agree with me that Aberdeen are a club that are not worth investing for a multitude of reasons. We - me and you - do not invest in the club. Does 20% of your income go to the club? I bet not. If instead you think that Milne should give money to the club for nothing then you need to seriously think about what you're saying. Being a 'die-hard' has nothing to do with it. As I've already said, he has already given money to the club. Aberdeen FC has to learn to be self-sufficient.
  22. @dave_min - Milne's wealth is £100m, 1% of that is £1m. He'd need to give up at least 20% of his wealth to sort out the finances of the club. He has fmaily, there's no way that's going to happen. His job as Chairman does not mean that he has to dip into his personal wealth. We keep hearing that Eddie Thompson did it but that doesn't wash with me I'm afraid. I cannot recall Dundee United being better than Aberdeen during Thompson's time as Chairman there.
  23. @quirie - Wouldn't you agree that Kerr and McDonald are going through dodgy spells as well?
  24. @Slowclap - Your suggestion that Milne should donate x% of his personal wealth is an interesting one but to that I have two questions. Is Milne's personal wealth as large as is suggested (£400m or thereabouts) and does he actually have this much in the bank or is this in assets? What obligation does Milne have to the club that he should give up any percentage of his alleged wealth? By all accounts he has already donated large sums of money to the club. @fatjim - Should I use the quote function? My sincerest apologies if I'm not posting the way I should.
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