I was thinking more about booze wise than trouble wise, wouldn't expect us to take more than maybe 400 for Tamworth, maybe 150 for Port Vale. That said we will have fans in England too so you never know.
Would that be a massive loss? His form wasn't great when he came back from injury.
That said i'd rather he stayed but if he's going to take the hump then he should remember his own performance against Hamilton as probably being one of the reasons why he's not being considered as captain.
Mobilized? Aberdeen will always be a target for anyone who decides they are a Hibs casual.
Doubt it was MJ they had a dislike for, more a case of random dressed like a twat at the football is an easy target for bored lunatics.
The fault clearly lies at the hibs casuals in the case of MJ, if you followed the thread the previous person tried to suggest it was the fault of the asc.
I was just pointing out that the boy dressed as MJ was picked on in particular because of how he was dressed. Doesn't mean I am saying it was his fault.
Indeed, the reason they picked on MJ was because he was at the football dressed as MJ. Not saying he deserved it but they would have done it regardless. Similarly the sheep incident was an accident as far as I know but clearly wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been dressed as a sheep. Overall result; fancy dress is for shit parties and not football.