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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Millertime

  1. he was a colossus on wednesday
  2. copyright
  3. your angle
  4. i dont get it.
  5. sorry? what tense was that in?
  6. yawn yawn yawn if i voice my opinion, im attention seeking? suck me. im right, 100%. it doesnt matter how many games ive been to or how many games ive seen, so shove that argument right up your arse ive seen enough to form my opinion, simple.
  7. im not bein funny mate the fact no-one else sees what im saying is not remotely surprising im incredibly, incredibly perceptive, thats how i do. dont feel bad, im sure youre all good at something else
  8. what, so you think because the majority dont agree, then i must be wrong? i do feel that m original point has been dragged and stretched all over the place, but the fact remains he's not anywhere near the player he was and i seriously question the guys physical contribution to our games if no-one else notices that as theyre so blinded by his inspiration, thats fine
  9. haha why are you turning on me now?
  10. and so it begins...
  11. i dont believe youre as thick as youre making out in this thread, instead im choosing to believe youre the ringleader on here, the LS if you will. its your job to drum up interest and keep the posts coming dont worry, ill help you out there, because ill continually offer "outside the box" views on all things AFC and ill continously pummel you and anyone else in an engagement of differing opinions turd
  12. "I cannot believe the support. I have seen the support when we have played against them while at Motherwell but I cannot believe that here we are in the afternoon and there is an official 1,300 down here. I mean, I've seen Hearts here and Hibs here, when we have been watching games here, and they don't fill that stand the way the Aberdeen fans do. If you win a game and please them then you feel very happy for the support because it is exceptional. They have lost 7 games in a row and we go to Easter Road and it is packed with Aberdeen fans and it is packed here at New Douglas Park with Aberdeen fans." Craig Brown - thank you. a man who says the right words and you actually believe them
  13. in fact do you know what word best suits how i feel about you right now? a turd pure and simple
  14. i didnt fucking mention strachan or bell once you absolute cretin you really, really are a clown
  15. haha it was a very sweet moment as much for us getting the 3 points, but also to stick it to hamilton who are a horrible, horrible team and club
  16. are you FREAKIN kiddin me? i was not originally comparing them ability wise, which i thought would have been obvious i was using them as examples of another type of player who doesnt contribute to the game all that much, but is capable of genius and something that the other 10 players on the park arent capable of
  17. you and countless others in this thread are actually showing yourself to be thick it was an incredibly simple question which ive outlines again for you above
  18. if thats the way you read what ive said, then youre incredible dense crux: hartley really isnt very good in a playing sense anymore and i think hes a passenger for us in those terms. he is however an incredible leader...my question was....can we carry a passenger on the park in footballing terms, due to the fact hes a good influence?
  19. an incredibly ignorant post was Alukos magic against Bayern not welcome then? may i inform you that teams need players like that if you wanna get anywhere for every hartley, you need an aluko
  20. well said that man
  21. IN your opinion. its all about opinions why did i idolise Zerouali then when Jess was here too? opinions
  22. dont be ignorant zero was in the same team as jess actually
  23. haha, he does know what i mean? http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.blackpoolfc.premiumtv.co.uk/javaImages/f2/b7/0,,10432~2996210,00.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php%3Ft%3D632141%26page%3D3&usg=__kA0RJ_UkwTQ1eaONtlYu3Dda8Os=&h=266&w=300&sz=31&hl=en&start=34&zoom=1&tbnid=xWUHdTyoC830dM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=147&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dscott%2Bvernon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D598%26tbs%3Disch:10,866&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=383&ei=xX8cTbCcJYK64Qa5vsWGAg&oei=ln8cTe7HBNO3hAezqJi4Dg&esq=6&page=3&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:34&tx=119&ty=56&biw=1280&bih=598
  24. fair enough matey, we all have different favourites. Windass, Zerouali, Bisco, Millertime. 4 of my real favourites of the last 10 or so years - i just prefer players with that, "je ne sais quoi!" Jess was definitely up there though
  25. good, because i didnt hate jess!!!! far from it, he was a great player for us. it is worth noting however that i only have fleeting memories of jess, with the most prominent ones being once he came back to us from coventry and i doubt highly THAT was him at his mercurial best.
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