Personally I do care because I left Aberdeen 10 years ago and I'm living in a place where people speak another language. What am I supposed to do, speak to the wife?
The people left on DT are many of the people who discussed matters out with AFC, many posted solely on the off topic and discussed, politics, music and just general shit. My views on AFC are pretty simple, I couldn't really give a fuck any more. I also fancied Bazig who posted on here.
I don't think it's a pathological need. I think the lines were drawn over the JC question and over some weird behaviour. It's just continued and constantly played out. By both sides. It's turned into total fucking joke.
I'm actually led to believe a lot of the different "camps" get on rather well at away games.
This place has very few people, most of them I like and value their opinion on a lot of things but I guess it can get insular, an Aberdonian of all people should understand the principles of in-breeding.