Apparently, the letter is printed in full in the P&J so over to them to finish what they started.
The little note below shows how much of a cunt they will make of themselves if they don't do it. Even if there are 15 of you, you'd better finish off the protest
No-one turns up for Rushdie protest
11:11am Monday 23rd July 2007
By Telegraph newsdesk »
A PROTEST against novelist Sir Salman Rushdie's recent knighthood proved to be a wash-out.
A march had been planned in Blackburn by Tasaddiq Rehman, spokesman for local group the Muslim Council of Europe, on Saturday afternoon.
But nobody turned up at the meeting point of Bangor Street Community Centre, nor at the town hall where a demonstration was planned.
It appears that not even the organiser himself had attended, despite telling the Lancashire Telegraph that he expected high levels of interest in the march.
Mr Rehman was unavailable for comment