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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Labirinth7

  1. I am absolutely gutted! He is the first player for ages that I couldnt wait to get to todders to see play. The blinkers are starting to come off and I am starting to think that he is a wee shite like everyone else had realised long ago. I dont understand how rangers are spending money when they are a baw hair away from admin?!
  2. The dons have been gash for years. Its not broons fault. How many managers do we go through before the board realise they need to change. 10000 fans couldnt be arsed turning up, sone aluko would rather be unemployed than play for us and players only need to have a couple of decent games before they fuck off to the championship. Our club is for the short to medium term, shite.
  3. That's paul Hartley bending over
  4. Think he has missed having an experienced vocal defender next to' him. When he was showing lots of promise Russel anderson was keeping a close eye on him. No wonder our defence is shit when we have replaced hart severin anderson and mulgrew with ilfil and robertson. I know Times Are hard but i think that makes wasting approx 1 million fucking about with managers even more inexcusable. Looks like the lack of investment inplaying staff will deteriorate further according to' this report. Heads would have rolled for such poor management anywhere else. I think there will be' an apathy amongst the support until the board admit they have Made a complete cunt of things. They make me sick
  5. Dear me
  6. We're the footballing equivalent of some guy at a party who is so desperate to get his hole that instead of at least trying it on with any of the young, semi-attractive women up until the end of the night, he goes straight for the haggered old piss-stinking wifey who happened to be close by. I suppose they need pumped too
  7. Agreed it would be inappropriate. Not sure cancelling their nte oot will improve their morale! But they just got their way with the manager so fuck them
  8. Totally agree We appeared to play most of game with 5 in midfield and fullbacks were the only players providing any width. Maguire and Aluko kept drifting in the pitch. Why dont have any natural wide midfielders or full backs?
  9. Stoney saying Clangers is shite is definately a compliment to the big man
  10. "together with the appalling treatment of Hugh Dallas by the SFA" Another storm in a teacup stirred up by cellik? Arguably harsh but he prob did deserve to be punted? Im not sure why a senior religious figure felt the need to comment on this however whatevr happened to football and religion being kept apart! I do think CFC have an agenda. Im just not sure what it is. Are they just shit stirring? Are they trying to bully refs into giving them decisions?-This certainly seemed the case when we were at Parkhead. Maybe they do feel discrimminated against. I sincerely hope they do as it is a pretty low hand to play just to get an edge on the competition. Its really annoying that our club is on its knees and they whinging bastards are still complaining about not getting a penalty that definately wasnt a pen
  11. Bollocks? So you dont think cfc ave gone over the top on this one? They Are bloody hypocrits.2 lies i can think of already:1) I listened to Neil Lennon rather sheepishly deny the refs strike had anything to' do with celtic in his pre-match intvw. 2) John reid is an ex politician therefore has manipulating the truth down to a fine art. Cfc have managed to' make his position untennable rather than the mistake itself. If this wasnt the case the sfa would have sacked him already
  12. To say he acted horrendously seems a bit harsh. Im sure he just wanted a solid story before facing the spanish inquisition from that horrendous wee ginger prick. Isreali ref was fucking ganting yesterday.
  13. We were rotten again. Killie thoroughly deserved to' win.they deserved anither goal at least. Centre halfs couldnt find a Red jersey, folly struggled at eight back. Robertson jack megginson and maguire total passengers. Absolutely no shape about team.Andy considine our best attacker down left side. Desperate stuff. Is this the revolution? Is this the NeXT level? Fuck off mcghee and take the bams with you
  14. Willie seems to be bracing us for another exodus of 1st team players. Whats the chances of him resigning his contract on reduced terms? Keep Aluko and Langers. They both hate MM. They might play better when he is binned
  15. Well said btr. His article is a bit extreme again today.think he is getting at Rangers rough tactics on bebo.every manager will ask his players to "make sure he knows he is in a game" when referring to opponents playmaker. Dont think that makes the huns different 2any other team.cc seems to' be fueling the bile that already exists between the 2clubs.a bit irresponsible perhaps?
  16. Thats a banquet!
  17. Anybody ken why sone wasn't playing?
  18. and we can't even afford to sign him! How far do we have to fall before Milne will fuck off! Our budget sounds as if it will be lower than las season again. Offloading big earners such as miller, kerr, mcdonald and mulgrew and still struggling to sign mehmet.what the fick is going on?
  19. Hopefully that will open everyones eyes to that "elite" supporters group. I would happily go if I thought the club had a brighter future however as long as SM is the man in charge it looks pretty bleak! Cant Sir Ian invest in AFC instead of a fucking pavement and art gallery?! We would be much more appreciative
  20. No way grassi is on as little as 500 a week
  21. This mess is completely the board of directors fault. We had assembled a great squad in 06/07 which went on to finish 3rd. They then cashed in to the first bidders and have chronically underinvested since. Its not MM or JC's fault. The current predicament is a result of cutbacks to wages. I only wish that the board had given JC the near million quid it cost to repace him to spend on players last summer. I think we would then have been looking forward to europe again next season.
  22. Fucks sake seeeverin! Call yersel a caaptin. Sort it oot
  23. Were they huns taking the mick?
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