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Thursday 2 January 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership - Aberdeen v Ross County


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Everything posted by manc_don

  1. Team training photos from Sigma: http://olomoucky.denik.cz/fotbal_region/aberdeen-trenoval-na-androve-stadionu-.html
  2. Taken from MAD - Czech hooligan site. Fight: Souhlasim! 60 chachar? tam nebylo. Tipuju, že tak 20-30 mlade sestavy. Potom p?išlo par starych, kte?i se s ni?im nesrali. S ut?kem je to škoda Fight: I agree! 60 chachar? there was not. Tipuju that this young group 20-30. Then came a couple of old, who is nothing nesrali. With the escape is a pity Takže k tomu v?erejšku, Pepa/HHZ to tady napsal da se ?ict tak jak to p?ibližn? bylo, po zapase chcou mladi FCB cca 25 napadnout Sigmu u jejiho sektoru, rozmysli si to v mom?nt? kdy si všimli o kousek dal stojicich antonu s A.C.A.B. rozhodnou se tedy ze Sigmou vyjednavat o jinem mist? ke st?etu. Do toho se k tehle nic netušuci skupin? bliži asi 15 dalšich chacharu ( polovina z nich je staršich) kte?i dostali ten samy napad jako mladi. Ti však narozdil do mladych antony nevidi a ihned uto?i, sigma se dava na ut?k, par jedinc? co to nestihli je trochu poškadleno, ale diky policii jen kratce. Po tomto malem incidentu probiha ješt? n?jaka domluva o po?tech mezi mladymi, ale i ta je nakonec ze strany sigmy zrušena So to yesterday, Pepa / HHZ here can be written as to say about it, after the game chcou young FCB about 25 Sigma contest for its sector, mind you at the time when you noticed a little farther away, standing with Anton ACABA decide to Thus from Sigma negotiate another place to a conflict. Go to this group netušuci anything close to about 15 other chacharu (half of them are older) who received the same idea as the young. Those, however, in contrast to the young Antony sees and immediately attacks, sigma is given to the flight, a few individuals, what did not is a bit poškadleno, but thanks to the police shortly. After this little incident has done some talking about the number of young, but it is eventually canceled by the sigma. I hope that clears everything up
  3. Totally, can't fault Young for last week, and thats what I was alluding to in my other post. The pressure is off, Sigma have more than enough of a cushion so hopefully it will be an ideal situation for Crawford to be blooded and show his stuff. We need a bit of positivity from this game.
  4. I knew it was your fault
  5. Aye bobo, I don't think many if anyone really expects us to progress, which should work in our favour. As you rightly say, whats more important is we prepare the squad for the Celtic game. I don't think playing Crawford would be the worst idea, as at least he actually is a right back. Was he not getting decent reviews?
  6. Exactly. As bobo says, its a shame that Paton is out, I was hoping to see him get a run out to gain some more vital experience. They need to show they can actually play football.
  7. Surely the EE would be the founder of such crimes.
  8. Whatever happened to Channel 5 showing a live serie A game a week?
  9. Dave, you have to be stronger next time
  10. I thought N'Guemo had a terrible game. I hope he plays like that all the time Everytime he was under pressure, he buckled. Now Dinamo, their fans knew how to sing!
  11. Indeed BB, McGhee's hand's maybe tied on this.
  12. I hope for your sake its not the last time you'll ever be at pittodrie, but it is a shame you last memory so far is an embarrassment. I don't know where the club is going at the moment but i hope whilst moving away, you'll still keep tabs on the team! Out of curiousity, if you don't mind of course, where are you moving to?
  13. Will we or the opposition be playing this entertaining football? Because I certainly can't see us playing it if we sell our best players and sign more players of the young and duff calibre. This is doing my head in. Considering, I think most of us thought if we signed a CB and a RB, our team would be fairly competetive, and now it seems like we're going even further backwards. I know we're skint, but I don't see how cutting back to the point of a team that isn't going to attract investment or fans is going to help the situation.
  14. Totally, it really does worry me we're going to end up with a team of duff's, young's, foster's and considine.
  15. I know, tell me about it! I was lost yesterday
  16. Its quite depressing to be honest. I know we're skint but we're fucked if the board do not release funds for MM to invest. Why are there so many inconsistencies from within the club regarding the amount of money available?
  17. This is what worries me too. Its all well and good saying you'll replace them, but at the moment, its hard to see who is going to replace anyone as no-one with any quality seems to want to come to us. Its a bit concerning that there's all this chat about more players leaving and being a turnover of 8-10 players. I just don't see how thats going to happen.
  18. Given that it looks likely Zander will be out again for one reason or another. Anyone got any thoughts of how we'll line up on Thursday? Hopefully a better organisation of the same players will be less embarrassing.
  19. But surely the fact that we are unable to get anyone signals time to move on and look at pastures new? I understand he probably has most of his contacts in England, but its becoming increasingly clear that its a waste of time. I think it shows that the players in these premier league teams think they are better than they actually are and football is not their main driver. You'd have thought examples set by Aluko, Walker and to a lesser extent Vidal, that they will get the chance to play. As Ajja said, we need to blood youngsters asap, because if we're not signing anyone, we need to makes sure our team is as experienced as it can possibly be.
  20. I'm certain pawlett is english, but paton might be too. Not sure.
  21. We need to get rid of him as soon as he is fit. What a disaster of a signing! Shame really, comes across as a decent guy.
  22. When I was watching the game yesterday, the two stands (not including the stand with the TV camara on it) seemed pretty full.
  23. My thoughts exactly. You'd have thought after Manchester, English clubs would realise this. My mate said she hopes its the last time it happens, just wants 3 foreign visiting teams instead.
  24. I hear Rankgers were in their full glory yesterday. Full chorus of "songs" and generally being the scum bags they are. A mate of mine said it ruined her experience of watching her team gut them and a number of them got thrown out in the home section.
  25. manc_don


    Amazing cooked breakfast! Nice waitress when I was in there too.
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