Anyone going to venture down/through to this? No
Which Aberdeen team will turn up? None probably
And will we get some points on the board? We've got to..
It is the effort comments that are particularly idiotic.
The (lack of) effort has been the worst aspect of the performances against Raith, Falkirk and Hearts.
Absolutley no fight. Last 10 mins of Raith game and last 10 of today we should be throwing players forward and fighting to get the ball back. On both occassions we've just rolled over and taken it. No urgency at all.
Something needs to change to convince me to renew my season ticket.
Done with away games this season. Cant be assed if the players are going to put in a shift like that.
Hamilton will be the first away game in about 3 or 4 years that I've missed through choice. Even next week at home to Hearts. I have a suspicion I'll be tempted to just roll out of my bed onto the sofa to watch on TV instead of making the short trip to Pittodrie.
They're just not worth it.
In/Oot - In, only because I had already paid for my ticket.
Pre-Match - Bus down to hotel I cant mind the name of.
Post-Match - Bus back then depends on mood.
Prediction - Hell
Getting rid of Jimmy was the right decision. Nothing McGhee has done or will do will change that.
McGhee is looking like the wrong choice as replacement though.
A lot of us have already travelled to this game once. It'll be quite a small crowd.
Depending on what time we arrive it'll be the Weatherspoons at the train station or the Alamo.
The most sensible thing they could have done was apologise for the Shed flare incident and not do it again.
Instead they are claiming it had nothing to do with them, but still disbanding...
The displays were often good but the atmosphere at the European Nights and Old Firm games would have been the same whether they had a display or not.
I dont actually see many people criticising them for trying to liven up the atmosphere. It's the idiotic ways in which they try to do so which are criticised.
It's a disgrace. The council went over the pavements last week but all they did was skim the top off and leave compacted snow which with the cold has turned to ice.
It snowed a bit last night but none before that for ages. No excuses for not having the pavements cleared for the game today. I hope the club had pushed them to get it sorted before yesterday!
When are the police closing Union Street? Loads more folk travelling to there.
Been a shareholder for 3 or 4 years now but never bothered to go to the AGM. Always imagined they would just repeat the party lines which are printed in the annual accounts we get sent.
He was also mentioned in the programme earlier in the season. He lived in Bridge of Don till he was 10 so chances are he'd have been an Aberdeen fan before moving away.