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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by s1dnk

  1. We moved away from a 10 team league for a reason did we not? Also playing the old firm 4 times a season only benefits the other 8 teams in the league. The same amount of money will be in the league it's just it'll only be divided between 10 teams rather than say 16 teams.
  2. Yeah that's pretty much what I am saying, if what we are hearing about his attitude it true. It was a case of we thought we were offered a deal where it was too good to turn down but in the shining light of day it has bitten us squarely on the ass.
  3. It's amazing how general opinions can change week to week, mine included. Last week Magennis was getting praise for coming on and playing well, Aluko was the villian for another inept performance. This week Magennis is a donkey yet Aluko is our saviour. I'm not having a go at any comments in particular, just funny how the general feeling can change so quickly. Anyway a win against those filthy Arabs and we'll really be rolling.
  4. I would rather he rotted in Govan than with us. If his attitude stinks then ship him out, don't need someone like that having a negative effect on our team especially the youngsters in the squad.
  5. Fergie could send us the new Alex Notman
  6. I have a good feeling about today, I'm sure the team will be buzzing and they have a lot to prove/make up for. It's about time they showed the fans they do care, that started on Sunday and will continue today. 2-0 The Dons.
  7. So does anybody think we'll see Velicka in an Aberdeen shirt again? I personally would rather we stuck with the likes of Magennis than attempt to get this guy fit. I have to admit I had high hopes for him when he signed but he just can't get fit and now we have got to this point in the season I don't see the benefit in keeping him. I would be happy enough if he was sent back to the huns even if Foster stayed there, we are wasting our time with Velicka.
  8. s1dnk


    s1dnk here, s1dnk on other boards too so some might of seen me before. First game I think was in 1986 althought it might of been '87, I was 3 or 4 but I do remember we beat Dundee. My dad got me brought up the right way before minky bastards at school could try and influence my young mind in supporting either of the fuckers from Glasgow. On the hat I tended to stick to non AFC threads as I found them tedious, something I hope wont be the case on here.
  9. s1dnk


    Anybody seen Unstoppable yet? Have it with me offshore so may watch when there's no fitba on TV. Also have The American, heard it's crap, anybody else got an opinion on it?
  10. Must win for both teams tonight, about time Arsenal beat a title rival though, if they fail to do so then I hope Wenger shuts his hole about the strength of his team. 2-1 Arsenal.
  11. Has Mulgrew been injured or was he just so pish at the start of the season he's been binned forever? If players have to go who could it be? Ifil maybe, one of the strikers surely must go. Will Mackie survive another manager?
  12. Wishful thinking, even that little ginger turd isn't that stupid, or is he?
  13. You and your ridiculous thoughts on JC are giving us AFC hat defectors a bad name. JC done well for AFC, his time came and he moved on but he was in no way a bad manager. I voted Steve Paterson, I felt the team was just a shambles when he was around. Thinking about it more it was in no more of a shambles as what it is now so maybe MM is the worst. I'll stick with Paterson, any manager who fails to turn up for a game due to a hangover is a disgrace.
  14. Anyway which players can you see leaving? I don't see who Broon can get rid off easily, who would want any of them? AFC will probably have to buy out the players contracts to get rid of them.
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