The atmosphere thing isn't specific to Dons fans. My first game at Ibrox was an Inverness game and it was pretty horrible that day too, although obviously Aberdeen games are worse.
Supporters' Clubs allocations for Ibrox are frequently restricted, and we haven't got more than 10 on the last few occasions. This is so there are always some going on sale to ST holders, so if you are a ST holder and couldn't get a ticket I'd be surprised.
Why you'd want to go anyway is beyond me. It's not very nice, particularly when we are clearly going to get beaten!
I didn't see him mention he wanted to flood the team with loan players? Walker and Aluko will more than likely be gone, hopefully Maybury deal will become permanent. Where's the harm in having a couple of youngsters coming up here providing some much needed competition in our team? Give players like Maguire the incentive they need to try a bit harder to break in.
Did chunk not ask them and they said it would be up last week or something?
I'm assuming that since the club have put out order forms they've been told already it's not going to be on.