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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Madbadteacher

  1. Fa was it that kept him out of th LB role for Scotland to such an extent he spat oot the dummy?
  2. Good morning DTers, things are going well. The hospital/PHP programme is very goud, great staff and some really good people in the groups I'm in as well. Been busy doing a lot of reading and work at home as well, so I've not been online much, no sinister or worrying reasons, just keeping busy and trying to behave. It's bloody hard work, trust me. Also been spending hours online on a variety of US government sites trying to navigate for benefits, healthcare etc. If you think UK govt. websites are bad.........over 3 hours on one of them just to apply for short term disability benefits. Even if that gets accepted I'll still have to go for a 2 hour interview.....just as well I keep all my paperwork and records! Anyway I will check in every so often to keep you guys up to date, thenks! Oh and COYR, into these weegie bastards today!
  3. Hi DD. Yer wrong, they're Turkish Muslims
  4. Well, Despite a law that says I can't be dismissed whilst on medical leave, I was dismissed, via fucking email at 8:50pm tonight. Thanks for supporting my recovery you cunts!
  5. Thanks for the support it means a fuck of a lot. Also don't worry I'm not going to pontificate on your drinking, freedom of choice and all that..... I just wanted to be honest about my current situation and how I got here, also that I'm aware I need help. Please do not take this any other way guys, We are who we are. I have just decided that for health and other reasons I can't go the way I was going ant that professional help was my way of treatment. I clearly cannot control this myself so, go for the help. Seeing one of my adult step daughters crying the last weekend I was going through serious withdrawal asking "how can you do this to yourself?" was mind blowing. Shes's never liked me drinking and has been a strong critic of it, but she is also the one that's been the most amazing support. Guess I'm very lucky there. Anyway, one week in, I'll be back next week, every drop clean.......I really 100% hope I can do this. Feel free to call me call me out anytime!
  6. well, four days into the programme and it's been intense, uplifting, heartbreaking and eye-opening to say the least just listening to the others in the group. Aye I think th .600 is mg/ml but not certaain, anyway I was told it would have been a coma or possibly death for most people with a "normal" tolerance....the joys of growing up in Caithness huh? Been working with a 1 on 1 therapist/counsellor as well and beginning to start on a plan. Nothing long term yet more just what will you do tonight that's different? I will keep yeez all updated and, just remember, FTOF!
  7. I am sad to say after a long time sober a combination of the depression/self-medication/depression/self-medication downward spiral I am back at square one. I have been accepted to a PHP (partial hospitalization programme) because obviously in the last couple of months what I/We with a therapist wasn't working. This will involve me going to the hospital at 8 every morning, doing a day programme, going home at 4. Recent relapse has been so severe I've been hospitalised twice, once with a blood alcohol level of 0.600 compared to driving limit of 0.08! I need this to work, I will appreciate any support. Thank you
  8. Madbadteacher


    Just watched Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. 10/10
  9. Oot Bed Breakfast with my stepdaughter and granddaughter Cleaning 1-0 Aberdeen, May (pen) 88mins
  10. I was at the Stenny game, got very, very, very drunk afterwards
  11. Aye, but the MLS is pretty poor.
  12. Game's a bogey anyway, why bother? Huns are signing players, despite being 14M in debt and rising, on wages we can never pay. They cheat, so might as well just not bother.
  13. It's not hilarious, it's scandalous. A dead club, already 14M in debt and rising can sign players noone else (apart from their other bigots) can afford and, again, cheat their way to the top. FFP? Piss up a rope, fuckstick, it's the huns so noone cares!
  14. The game's a bogey, has been, is now, will forever be.
  15. T B F Rocket, at one point he did splash out....Paul Bernard anyone? It nearly fucked us to the point of oblivion. I agree the "team" has never been his main agenda, and we're permanently paying the "cost" on the field for that, we're a tin-pot club in a tin-pot league, sadly.
  16. Morelos = the "New Scott Brown"? i.e. totally untouchable? :hammer: :hammer:
  17. At least we seem to have found a temporary solution as goalscorer, another one already today!
  18. Maybe Milne saw something no-one else did? Cosgrove again!
  19. Thank fuck. I’ve an appointment with a psychiatric nurse in 30 minutes if it had stayed 2-1 I’d probably have been committed
  20. Jack Nicklaus Mohammed Ali Bernard Hinault Don Bradman Bjorn Borg To name but a few.....
  21. Back on topic (and I wish the other shite wasn't present ANYWHERE on DT!) has Steeeeeeeveeeeeee been sacked yet for losing twice (TWICE) to a team that his side are apparently "a class above"? If not, why not?
  22. So which scenario is it? 1. Players so feart of getting hurt before a final they're bricking it? 2. McInnes is a genius, play so badly the week before and Rasellik will underestimate us? 3. We're really utter pish? 4. Mc Innes is shite? Discuss
  23. In my case 3700 miles away
  24. If nothing else, the compensation payment if he leaves whilst still under contract will be pretty substantial now, no?
  25. Refs told to “treat” us by the SPFL/SFA or are we just shite? DMMG?
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