Good morning DTers, things are going well.
The hospital/PHP programme is very goud, great staff and some really good people in the groups I'm in as well. Been busy doing a lot of reading and work at home as well, so I've not been online much, no sinister or worrying reasons, just keeping busy and trying to behave. It's bloody hard work, trust me.
Also been spending hours online on a variety of US government sites trying to navigate for benefits, healthcare etc. If you think UK govt. websites are bad.........over 3 hours on one of them just to apply for short term disability benefits. Even if that gets accepted I'll still have to go for a 2 hour interview.....just as well I keep all my paperwork and records!
Anyway I will check in every so often to keep you guys up to date, thenks!
Oh and COYR, into these weegie bastards today!