OK, now I'm more confused than ever.
Having been dumped (see earlier) said woman sends a text on Sunday asking if I'd like to go for a meal this week, so we went out last night (Thursday). I'm thinking, well I loaned her 2 books she probably just wants to return them and is being "nice".
Nope, no books, very enjoyable time, fair bit of appropriate hand touching etc. Come the end of the meal and it's been made clear she'd like to do this again so I offer to pay with the "well you can pay next time" just to make sure I'm not reading this wrong. Ok says she.
How about you come to my house for Chinese take out?
OK says the bold MBT.
How about tomorrow (Friday/tonight) as neither of us has work on Saturday so we don't have to get up early?
OK says a slightly WTF is going on MBT
You'll have to accept I'll be in my relaxing comfort joggers and hair tied up mode, but we can eat and watch a film on Netflix
Aye sure says a now really what the hell signals am I getting here MBT
Why don't you bring a change of clothes so you can relax too?
Ok says a now totally what fucking planet am I on as it's abviously one where males aren't supposed to have a clue about anything.
Big hugs, walk arm in arm back to her car, few kisses then see you tonmorrow.
Does anyone, even women, know WTF goes on in their heads?