Last resort of the desperate? Maybe?
Well it's been over 4 years since Mrs MBT#3 died and I'm fed up being a lonely auld sod so I signed up.
No, I ken i'm nae the bonniest loon ever, but do some of these women ever stop to think what there pictures actually look like?
I want to see a picture of your face at least, nae yer dug/cat/floo'ers/some fb-pish-type homily
And dinna get me started on the wimmin that seem to need to have "frames" or photos that have them with cartoon flowery headbands/dog faces/ wings.......... :cardred: These are supposedly mature women in their 40s to 50s get to fuck with that shite
So, apart from the rant above, any suggestions from anyone who's been successful in this type of endeavor?