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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Madbadteacher

  1. I'm off outside to watch the sky-dragon eat the sun!
  2. I don't think you can dictate who can/can't reply to your posts on a PUBLIC forum, min.
  3. He was good in a Law & Order SVU episode a couple of years back, but his style of "schtick" just wasn't for me.
  4. "Not even......" there's a phrase that irritates me Usually said by annoying wee lassies. People that canna keep up with the traffic at busy times because they're too busy on their phones (or they shouldn't be out in traffic....ever!)
  5. No doubt there'll be talk of an "agenda" against them because there's nae huns in WGS selection. They're becoming as paranoid as their ugly sister.
  6. If they play like that every week there's no chance Hamilton are going down.
  7. Stopped being a "Scotland" team/squad a long time ago for me inna. It's now like an Old Boy's Club Select side
  8. Despite not being able to make games and only getting to watch what's available online I would tend to agree that the defence is our Achilles heel ATM. I wouldn't be surprised to see some money spent there before the window "slams shut" regardless of comments from the management that our dealings are done. Arnason might be the answer, but I'd expect us to be looking at another CD or LB at least as, if we get injuries, we're pretty light on cover. CtS is right Fergie was all about building from a solid foundation at the back and who am I to disagree with that. Dek seems to like buying forwards though......
  9. Shame that we seem to be the same every game: Start well, score, go flat, lose a goal, struggle, scrape a win. Still it's 3 pts.
  10. Odds on the hun get loads of dubious calls in their favour today
  11. Watching the EPL on the telly (I know, I know but it's the only live fitba I can watch, the MLS is just terrible, a retirement home for European pros who dodn't go to China). The uberwank over any English-born player id irritating.
  12. I'm assuming 100% AK will be up in arms about this one as well? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-40977364
  13. Got used to it now DD (even though I'm almost the same generation). Been electronically id's so often flying back and forth from the UK, getting ma green caird and for every teaching job over here as well
  14. Before my time, but I have heard of him. RIP
  15. FFS, trying to "out-paranoia" their bigoted twins? http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/40967579
  16. Have they no awarded them the 3 points as well?
  17. And then there's this....... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-40939573
  18. Art Garfunkel - Bright Eyes Fucking hate that song, but there's a reason for the hate.
  19. Aye, but, The King, man! I'd add The Grateful Dead and Hawkwind as well
  20. I've been in the US for 7 years now, all in the Chicago suburbs. Taught in some Chicago charter schools (never again!) which were like war zones. Was a weekly occurrence to have emails from the principal's office about student(s) that would be absent as they'd been shot, had family members killed or were getting banged-up. Where I live is pretty decent, no nightly shootings or drive-bys and the neighbours are great, but I wouldn't like to live (or even go back to work) in the City. The news is very agenda driven, which is why I try to watch several different versions (when I can be bothered (also some decent eye-candy)). Most of my new I get via the interweb from site I believe I can at least trust to deliver some truth. It's very different to growing up in Caithness, chiels, that I can tell you, but I am happy here with my family (happy enough that I'm seriously considering citizenship). The country is, however, pretty fucked-up in a lot of ways. Personal opinion is that it's no longer "one nation" but a conglomerate of different ethnic and regional "countries" that would all like to be independent of each other but are too financially dependent on sucking the teet of federal funding to actually do anything about it. Anyway I better do some work and keep living the American dream
  21. Quiet morning at work and, as there doesn't seem to be one, thought I'd start us off. Out Probably get up to watch the EPL early game Online (was Billy no-mates last week in the chat ) Going to a picnic 4-1 Aberdeen May, Stewart, GMS and Maynard.
  22. There's already a kind of one going on, just need to watch the news....
  23. Didn't like my topic suggesting the irony of their whining paranoia http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/profile/98258-joliet-jock/warnings/2919/
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