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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. That was the worst game of "football" I have seen in a long time. At least when St Mirren and Hearts beat us they looked like they knew what they were doing. Hibs on the otherhand were unbelievably bad and we weren't much better. Presumably Hibs will get a "bounce" when they sack calderwood, which may be enough to save them. I have no doubt Broon is here for the duration so we won't have the benefit of a bounce. We do look more solid etc and Arnason and Osbourne are good signings but until we realise that the aim of the game is to score goals we will be rooted to the bottom end of the table.
  2. Up in 3 and AS in the other match in the morning 4-somes so far
  3. eh? (apologies for Daily M**l link) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2035334/John-Sutton-shunned-Paulo-Sergio-Hearts--just-games-season.html
  4. Walker Cup at Royal Aberdeen this weekend and on BBC in case you missed it.
  5. I love it when players look "sharp in training"
  6. So out in the QFs then What a farce at the US Open today with Roddick getting dicked about by some retarded referee who seemed to be considering trying to use gaffa tape to seal up a leak in the court. With the lop-sided splitting of the draw and the rain delays for the last two days it would be a pretty massive surprise if it's not Djokavic or Federer who win this.
  7. They're only playing fucking Tennis in New York!! Played 7 games so far today and Andy has won them all Currently 6-2 and 2-0 up
  8. Tickets available from the "away ticket office" behind the away stand on Sunday apparently. Sounds like a case of queuing to get a ticket then queuing to get in.....feckin' waste of (drinking) time
  9. But then who is (in Scottish fitba)? I would Pawlett has the potential to be our most exciting player since Jess came through the ranks, however he needs to start performing more regularly and stay injury free. The lack of quality around him, as much as his lack of goals may be the limiting factor however
  10. "Slipped and fell" Rodney King Stylee?
  11. Apparently we've sold fuck all so given we have a whole stand to ourselves now can't see why they won't have a cash gate. Read somewhere a decision would be made Friday. If not will probably be able to buy from afc and pick up off the bus
  12. We'll march against the far right, vow anti-racism campaigners Published Date: 24 August 2011 By BRIAN FERGUSON ANTI-RACISM groups are mobilising a major counter-protest after the right-wing Scottish Defence League vowed to go ahead with a demonstration in Scotland's capital despite it being banned by the city council. Activists on the SDL's Facebook page have revealed the event will take place the day before the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Councillors threw out the group's application last week, claiming they were worried about risking disorder and violent confrontations, despite police saying they had "no objections" to the march. The SDL, an off-shoot of the anti-Islam English Defence League, is already promoting the planned protest on 10 September. Details of the route and location of any rally are being kept under wraps, after an SDL meeting in a Royal Mile pub in February 2010 was ambushed by dozens of anti-racism protesters, leading to scuffles in the street. But the SDL has received messages of support from across the UK after announcing some form of demonstration in Edinburgh would go ahead regardless. One post stated: "The march is banned. We are having a static demonstration. And most likely the police will have to march us if they want rid of us." The SDL spent weeks negotiating with police and council officials over its planned demo, which was due to leave from Regent Road, near the American consulate, and include a rally at the Wellington Statue at the east end of Princes Street. Councillors said the threat of a "significant risk" of disorder outweighed concerns about flouting principles of freedom of speech by banning the march. The protest had attracted more than 1,000 complaints from politicians, anti-racism groups, community organisations and trade union leaders, who were concerned the group would trigger racial unrest. SDL representatives told the council the group had distanced itself from more hard-line members and the EDL, but left councillors unconvinced. No-one from the SDL was available to comment yesterday. Luke Wright is spokesman for the Unite Against Fascism group, which is organising a public meeting in the city tomorrow to rally support for a counter-demo. He said: "We've applied to the council for a counter-demonstration on 10 September after we spotted quite a bit of online activity about the SDL going ahead with a demo despite the council's decision last week. "Despite enormous public opposition including a wave of complaints to the council, and despite political opposition it seems that the SDL still do not understand Edinburgh does not want their violent racism." Louise Lang, deputy chair of the council's licensing committee, said: "There was always the risk that this group would go ahead and try to have a demo anyway, but we did not take our decision lightly. "Freedom of speech is not an entitlement at any cost. We just felt there was too much of a risk of disorder." A police spokeswoman said: "We work closely with our local authority partners and the guiding principle is that we will facilitate peaceful and lawful events. "We would encourage organisers of any such events and demonstrations to liaise with us in order to preserve public safety and minimise disruption."
  13. Not sure that attacking them is the best idea. Just gives them some much need propaganda about being the oppressed majority and all that bullshit Much better to have as Scotland United did, a protest elsewhere and let the bams fight each other and the police
  14. Yes! I'm presuming there will be a cash turnstyle?
  15. That's the story I heard although not sure the march has been granted permission anyway
  16. Pawlett got 15mins tonight http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/14794235.stm
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6o52kZxvtg
  18. Bit late but eurosport had some decent coverage with out wankers presenting
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_5YTk9kk6U&feature=related
  20. See Link: http://abdn.ac.uk/~wpg018/staff/personal_pages/staff.php?page=waltonw Looks like he is an professional objector:
  21. I have no idea why we didn't publicly go for him. It would be a win win situation for the club. Sign him up and would instantly boost crowds, merchandise and some much needed PR. He turns us down they can they say to the fans they do have some ambition etc rather than the shambles we think they are.
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