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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Couldn't find it anywhere Presume sellick v saints (or vice versa) is the other tie. Superb tie for us, just a shame the OF aren't together. Any idea when the games are due?
  2. Where is the option for January 2011?
  3. So what do we think for Sunday? Apart from the fucking ridiculous kick off time (we're leaving Glasgow at 0830 FFS fuck sake) After two good wins followed by two poor/terrible losses we seem to have steadied the ship with a draw and win both after coming from behind. More than that we actually progressed in a cup game that we should, on paper, be winning (how often have we said that in the last few years?). With so many players missing however and their new winger liable to have the freedom of Pittodrie I'm pretty worried about the game. Yes we have a great record at home vs them but will that be enough? I doubt we'll be seeing Wattie come up here playing for a draw as he has done in the recent past for example. Fingers crossed big Vern gets on the score sheet again and the defence manage to keep their wits about them for more than 10seconds and we might get something.......I'll take 0-0 now.
  4. Superb stuff. Should we be starting a thread for their smack-heid friends from Leith what with no home wins since Easter, thumped oot the cup by Killie, apparently puches exchanged in the dressing room and Yogi as their manager. Looks like the Edinburgh Comedy Festival is still in full swing!
  5. Wasn't at the game and obviously no commentary but I'd delighted with the win last night. Raith are a decent side as has been shown by their start in the first this season. County and Falkirk both caused significant problems for other SPL sides and we seem to have done better against a (so far this season) better side. On top of that we came back from a 2-1 down which must be the first time in years. Added to that we have a striker with 4 in 3. Fuck me even if he doesn't score again this season he'll have done as well as many of our "strikers" have done in the last two years. Obviously dissapointing that the defence sounds like it still a shambles and having Hartley missing will be a big loss, as much as because we have virtually no cover than anything else. Won't add to the fullbacks/wide players/Paton chat as we all know it, just a shame MMc didn't/doesn't. As for the draw I'd take anyone at home outside the OF who look like they will stroll through this season.
  6. It's on wednesday, 1945 KO. There, you can go now
  7. wtf is this doing on a Wed, I thought we always played Tue nights?
  8. Absolutely terrible game of football but as has been said before the game I would have taken a point and that was clearly McGoo's plan. Hopefully that steady's the ship but serious questions need to be asked about our signging policy. This is the most unbalanced afc squad I can ever remember.
  9. Given the 4231 formation can only feasobly work with Aluko, Pawlett and Fyvie all fit (and playing in their correct positions) surely he has to change it today. Having said that with nobody capable of playing wide anywhere in our squad we would seem to be fucked, and as has just been pointed out to me we'll likely face Gow turning it on for his one decent game of the season and tearing which ever centre half is playing full back to shreds. Ach well, off to the pub for some pre match beers
  10. Has he really had a decent chance through the middle on a regular, starting XI basis? He had a run when we beat Falkirk to get into the top 6 and he scored 4 or 5 in the last few games did he not. He got a chance at Killie and scored more than any of our strikers over the same period. I doubt he'll ever be a new 20 goal striker we've dreamed of since Shearer left but it seems to me if he is playing he should be playing through the middle and with our current choice I would have him playing off who ever out of Vernon, Magennis and Velicka are fit. Or if MM will persisit in 4231 then in the role Pawlett has been trying to play.
  11. I got half way through "wattie's" response and gave up. What a fucking tool. so UEFA should help promote one or two clubs in small countries because one or two clubs from big countries dominate dominate european competition. FUCK OFF He is right in that the Champions League has totally distorted european and national football. If, however, he believes his crazy new idea (sic) will solve the mess UEFA have created his more stupid than I thought
  12. So will we see our only player capable of playing wide tomorrow or will Pawlett be shit in the middle again?
  13. Does this "50-goal target" rank above or below a "top 6 achievement"?
  14. Fair point. Still think that most sides have the ability to beat anyone from 3rd down in this league. No standouts and the worst side I've seen (Hamilton) have already picked up some points. Hibs and united look average at best and hearts not much better. Quite where we slot in time will tell but it could be just about anywhere.
  15. Clangers has been consistently decent for us as shown by his Player of the season win a couple of years ago and selection for several Scotland squads. He certainly isn't a Theo or Jim but he is the best we'll likely have for some time. And after saturday he has to be starting at Fir Park
  16. Game was a bogey after 10mins. 1st goal would be comical if it wasn't so embarrassing, 2nd saw our keeper punch the ball in the net and the 3rd was never a penalty. So maybe a bit unlucky but I suppose (CLICHE ALERT) you make your own luck. 4 Centre Halfs and no wingers mean we are horrendously exposed on the wings. No huge revelation or surprise there but it seems to have slipped past McGoo as he went on his mission to sign up every available, non scoring striker. On top of this, as everybody has said, our only creative outlet with pace and skill to beat a man is stuck in no man's land between our defensive midfield duo and the attack. I watched him for a good 10mins during which he touched the ball once and seemed utterly lost, bypassed by our tactics and demotivated. On his performances so far this season he should be nowhere near the team. I'd love to know exactly what McGhee is thinking. Some have suggested he isn't fit enough to be running the wing all match but if that is the reason you really have to question why a semi fit player is continually picked out of position terrible performance after terrible performance. Then there was the tombola 2nd half where we had a target man playing right wing and a full back at centre half. We were unlucky and looked good in patches in the first half but with the tactics, personel and comical defending we got what we deserved. Perhaps even more depressing is we are still some how 3rd. Already the OF are out of sight from everyone else in the SPL. Every side is capable of beating each other from 3rd down. Could be one of the biggest gaps in years at a time when both sides have serious weaknesses and financial restrictions.
  17. Well don't fucking stand next to me tomorrow 'cause I'll be fucked if I'm scraping bits of your rotten carcass off me at 3:01pm
  18. If the new guy was fit to start, which he isn't, I'd Ilfil and bin Zander.
  19. actually maybe better having Young playing the role Pawlett has been shit in so far and chucking Maguire on the bench or in place of Mackie or Magennis
  20. Sone and Velicka oot Niko on the bench. Means without Aluko and Fyvie we badly lack creativity, esp with Pawlett wasted in the middle. As there is hee-haw chance of McGhee ditching 433 I'd go for: Howard McArdle Diamond Ifil Considine Hartley Folley Maguire Pawlett Magennis Mackie Bench: Clangers, Niko, Vernon, Young, Paton(if alive, if not megganson), A.N. youngster x2
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