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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. can't believe the cunts have cut me out of that photo
  2. eek! I thought it was busier to the left of us....obviously not
  3. I would have given a shit if I had to work on Monday..but seeing as it will be a bank holiday I can combine watching Aberdeen with getting slaughtered to wipe out the memory of watching aberdeen.....win win
  4. I thought we did better than the last two weeks, although after the total ineptitude at Falkirk and the snorefest at Pittodrie that wasn't going to be hard. Actually thought Kerr and McDonald did a bit better but still no where near good enough. Young didn't perform at all out on the right (had he stolen McDonald's invisibility cloak) and it might have been better either using him inside or starting with Mackie out there. Thought Aluko was really the only one to look consistently dangerous for us, but that too was fairly infrequent. He certainly looked menacing down the left but seemed to be floating all over the park for most of the match where as I feel he would have got more joy staying on the left and stretching the game, as at times we again lacked any real width. Good to see we atleast managed to fight our way back into the game and I would love to see the McLean off side decision again, strangely omitted from the highlights, where he seemed to be flagged while still in his own half. Going to be a long drawn out end to the season but don't feels quite as gloomy as I did last week. Finally a mention to the fans. Rarely have I been in such a small dons support (2-300) but they were more vocal and supportive than at the last away game in Falkirk and it was good to hear the majority of shouts and chants were of encouragement. Special mention to the eejits in front of us who, on going down tried to start a chant of "sack the board". Who in witnessing Zander commit an horrific challenge that should have seen a red card chanted "one zander diamond", then proceeded to shout abuse at Aluko for....well for being aluko as far as I could gather. Clueless cunts the lot of them, and thankfully outside their wee group of 3 or 4 were completely ignored by the rest of the support. The rest of the season will be hard enough without "support" like that
  5. Anyone going to venture down/through to this? YASSS Hamilton in March........... Which Aberdeen team will turn up? Well it would be nice if a full XI players could turn up before we start worrying about which XI And will we get some points on the board? 0-0 I suspect but in reality could be anyscore you can think of
  6. Scotland u21s 2-2 Azerbaijan u21s Played for more than an hour against 10men Maguire looked good, scored the pen and set up Griffiths for the 2nd equaliser.
  7. Has Ilfil ever looked dangerous at set pieces? I can only think of maybe one time he even won a header at a corner. What the fuck would he do up front?
  8. It's so bad I'd rather have Dung in midfield than either Kerr and McDonald. In fact how our "captain" and Casper continue to get picked when they are the biggest problem in the team is a fucking mystery. If I can see it through a drunk haze surely to fuck McGhee can see it
  9. Nothing against Calderwood but it is ridiculous that he is so far ahead of Willie (who has no votes!!
  10. No question it is Smith/Scott. I would say Miller, W. probably did better than Calderwood too, esp if you ignore the "never again" (sic) season, as we played some stunning football and came second in everything on a couple of occasions. The rest are nowhere and shouldn't even be on the poll, although clearly Aitken deserves recognition for winning the cup.
  11. Looks like a braw day in Aiberdein. COME ON YOU REDS!
  12. Really, can't see anything on the Scotrail site about that, not for Saturday anyway. On the other hand the line has been blocked between Glasgow and Perth, and is flooded in Stoney so fuck knows if we'll get there anyway
  13. We're at the back of the RDS, nae cunt down at pitch level can hear a word (or boo) we say.
  14. we fucking better 0841 train on Sat morning with a hangover!
  15. Would it? (see my lengthy rant after the Falkirk Game "Just Back In/Where do we go from here?"
  16. The Scottish Defence League was routed in the capital yesterday as anti-fascist campaigners vowed the far-right in Scotland was finished as a political movement. About 100 far-right protesters tried to congregate in Edinburgh, but were faced down by a coalition of over 2,000 anti-fascists, including Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill and Scottish Labour Holyrood leader Iain Gray. More than 700 officers were used to police the day’s events and prevent confrontation between the groups. The low turn-out in Scotland is markedly different from recent gatherings of the SDL’s sister organisation the English Defence League,which has stormed into English cities with more than 1,000 protesters and caused mayhem. At least 1,500 thugs descended on Stoke-on-Trent recently, smashing up the town centre and embarking on a what has been described as a “pogrom†aimed at Islamic communities. The trouble was so bad EDL commanders were forced to deny responsibility. But in Edinburgh, police corralled SDL activists into several pubs around the city while anti-racist demonstrators marched through the capital celebrating multicultural Scotland. The Holyrood end of the Royal Mile was locked down for most of the day as about 30 SDL supporters – including women and teenage boys – were trapped inside Jenny Ha’s pub. About 100 metres up the Royal Mile, separated by a police barrier, anti-fascist protesters chanted as SDL foot-soldiers looked on. The Sunday Herald attempted to question Don, the group’s shadowy leader, at Jenny Ha’s, but he had imposed a total media blackout and simply said: “F*** off out of here.†English Defence League campaigners travelled up from England, but were quickly detained by Lothian and Borders police. Mickey, who runs the Casuals United website and is one of the founding members of the EDL, was detained as he got off the train at Edinburgh, along with other EDL members. He said: “What an abuse of power. All our lads were either arrested or turned away ... A nation that makes peaceful protest impossible makes bloody revolution inevitable.†As the SDL march petered out, thousands congregated at Princes Street Gardens to hear speeches from trade unionists, anti-fascists and politicians including Mr MacAskill and Mr Gray. Ahead of his speech, Mr MacAskill said: “The fact there are so few Scottish Defence League supporters here is testament to good police work and shows that there is no traction in Scotland for their foul and evil views.†Aamer Anwar, a prominent human rights lawyer who helped lead the 2,000 anti-fascist demonstrators through the city, stopped for a minute’s silence in front of Edinburgh mosque to commemorate victims of racist violence. He said: “Whenever the Scottish Defence League raise their head, we will put another nail in their coffin. This was not a national mobilisation, it was a humiliation.†The last SDL march in Scotland was almost as big a fiasco when they tried to parade through Glasgow in November. Mr Anwar added: “That’s 2-0 to Scotland, I think. We said, ‘Don’t bother coming back, don’t raise your heads again’.†Weyman Bennett, joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: “This showed how weak the SDL is in Scotland.†Bennett warned that although the battle seemed to have been won in Scotland, the English Defence League was still a threat. He called upon supporters of Scotland United – the anti-fascist coalition north of the Border – to stand against the EDL in Bolton next month.
  17. possibly but our record from beating the tims to the end of the season was every bit as bad as our record at present. In fact we won 4 out of 19 at the end of last season (21%) compared to 7 out of 25 (28%) this season (all competitions 8 out of 31 (25%) )
  18. Record since beating Celtic 4-2 in Jan 2009: Played: 50 Won: 12 Drawn: 18 Lost: 20
  19. Our remaining pre-split fixtures: Aberdeen v Hearts, Hamilton v Aberdeen, St Johnstone v Aberdeen, Aberdeen v Dundee Utd, Rangers v Aberdeen, Aberdeen v St Mirren, Kilmarnock v Aberdeen, Aberdeen v St Johnstone, On paper not the worst run of fixtures but if we don't get results in the next two games I would be seriously concerned about where the next win is coming from...may St Mirren at home, apart from that....
  20. As much as McGhee has made endless mistakes if the players won't perform for him or the club because they don't like him they can all get to fuck right now. I wouldn't want any of them at my club if they behave like that
  21. Wasn't overly impressed by Nelson today and while dropping Langfield may give him a kick up the backside surely there is more danger of it causing disharmony in the squad when players, who are far more culpable than Langfield (step forward Kerr and McDonald), get picked every week.
  22. although it does have a certain inevitability about it
  23. I'm not convinced he has the dressing room with him. If he does he certainly isn't communicating his desire and ideas to the players. Given the prima donnas that habitually inhabit the Aberdeen Dressing Room I'm not sure what he can do to change this.
  24. Oh my god, what to say? We seemed to start ok and scored before the game really got started. From that point onwards however we were a disgrace. Uninterested. No Invention or craft. No fight and desire. No direction. No cohesion. Chopping and changing of formations and positions. Some truly horrific challenges. And swept aside by a poor Falkirk team, seemingly cut a drift at the bottom of the league with our defence completely incapable of dealing with Showunmi. I will exclude Fyvie from this, he is a very young loon and seemed to be the only one really busting a gut to win back balls and looking to move in to space. The rest were a complete embarrassment. They may not like the manager. They may not like us. Hell they may not even like the team or each other. But you would expect that they would have some professional pride. Some kind of desire to show that they are deserving of the generous wage they receive each week. Some belief in their ability and a desire to show those that have given them so much abuse over the last week are wrong. Instead we got a spineless performance by a team with no confidence, no desire, no fight and no self respect. McGhee doesn't escape from this debacle without criticism either. A ridiculous 4231 formation to start with. Paton out wide with Mackie through the middle. His persistence with Kerr and McDonald. And his lack of ideas and resignation to defeat. Fuck knows what his half time talk was but it had the the effect of the square root of fuck all. I may have had a few beers but believe me when I say we are in serious trouble. Many times over the last 15 years I have commented about the lack of desire, belief and fight in the team and of the growing apathy of the support. Several times we have made changes that have arrested this decline or been lucky enough to escape the ultimate humiliation. However if we don't start turning things around very soon relegation could be a serious possibility. If we get into a dog fight we will lose, no question about it. Killie are rejuvenated under Calderwood. St Johnstone have a vibrant young team with a promising manager. St Mirren and Hamilton have been through this before, are full of fighters and have bullish mangers who know the script (although they are cunts). And Falkirk have turned us over twice and perhaps have a boost with the change of manager. In 1994/95 the fans, team and city united to fight our way out of the nightmare of relegation. "Never Again" we said. Little did we know what the coming decade would bring us. If the same thing happens this year will we really take thousands to away grounds and pack out Pittodrie with 18,000 dandies? Folk just don't give a fuck any more. The last 2 years has seen the numbers going to games in our group drop dramatically. There were four of us there today...3 years ago we would have had more than that travelling to Pittodrie for Falkirk games. I dread to think how small the crowd will be on Saturday for Hearts. Sub 7,000 isn't out the question. The support is riven with division while many walked away from today with barely a "meh". I hope McGhee can turn things around. I hope this is a knee jerk, semi-drunk reaction. Only a couple of weeks ago we were basking in 4 wins from 5 and the hammering of Hearts. What the fuck has happened? Has McGhee lost the dressing room? Is this just a blip (please). The problem is that that whatever the reason the pressure will grow and grow on the team and the management. And they have demonstratively shown they can't cope with the pressure. Come on afc prove me wrong. And Kerr and McDonald FUCK OFF NOW!
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