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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. hearts 0-1 dunfermline
  2. We have fuck all options, especially with a trip to ibrox to look forward to.
  3. It was Hamilton we beat 3-0. I would dsagree that there weren't problems in the team before MM came on board. In fact I would suggest there have been significant problems in the team for a couple of years now and neither JC or MM have managed to solve them. MM has clearly exacerbated these problems with 433 but hopefully he will now be avoiding that for the rest of the season. Whether JC or MM have had the resources to solve them or not is another matter, and how managerial change effected these "resources" is yet another. Last night was unacceptable, despite the spin I may have tried to put on it earlier. What we do to change things I have no idea. It looks like we will be relying on crossing our fingers and hoping that our youth players turn out to be super heroes is the best chance we'll have in the forseeable future
  4. Suppose on reflection losing to the 2nd biggest spenders in Scottish football is hardly on a par with losing to QotS, QP or Dunfermline, perhaps not even as bad as our utter capitulation at killie at the same stage last year. This match had, and would have had, defeat written all over it given the state of our team for the last year or so. Doesn't exactly make it any easier to take and I await reports from those who were at the game but I guess our clueless and toothless midfield had a lot to do with it, along with a defence that perhaps has flattered to deceive. Our team is so mediocre, and has been for so long, it's a wonder we ever hope for anything better. So onward to victory at ibrox................................
  5. Langfield howler cost us the game. Typical one of our best,if not the best, player of the season makes a fuck up that costs us our place in the cup
  6. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  7. Should we just stop entering the cups Fucking Miserable Waste Of Time Cuntbags the lot of them
  8. don't know if it has been mentioned but the search function seems to be fucked
  9. http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/AntiMuslim-extremists-plan-Scots-protest.5658854.jp
  10. http://www.donstalk.co.uk/messageboard/index.php/topic,9769.msg159959.html#msg159959
  11. thanks to someone on mad for posting this up http://www.afcheritage.org/main.cfm
  12. disappointing but hardly surprising. We managed almost 1000 there preseason so pretty sad if we can't get a decent support for a cup tie. I've heard the jutes are hardly selling their tickets at a fast rate of knots, have Dundee shot themselves in the foot by making it all ticket?
  13. Has he not said we will be playing 442 for the foreseeable future, until he can bring in players capable of playing 433?
  14. Amazingly we are now above united, how did that happen?
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_prem/6359389.stm
  16. Aberdeen: Langfield, Mulgrew, Foster, Grassi, Considine, Ifil, Kerr, McDonald, Miller, Paton, Aluko. St. Mirren: Gallacher, Potter, Barron, Mair, McGinn, Ross, Murray, Mehmet, Thomson, Brady, Dargo. anyone going in the chat room?
  17. ummm that's exactly what I'm doing I like how "casuals united" are upset about violence on our streets.
  18. Just to clarify What a bunch of cunts: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=130257218545&ref=nf
  19. "BRITISH CITIZENS AGAINST MUSLIM EXTREMISTS"Type: Meetings - Informational MeetingNetwork: GlobalPrice: FreeDate: Saturday, 14 November 2009Time: 13:00 - 14:30Location: Glasgow TBATown/City: Glasgow, United Kingdom Email: casualsunitedhq@hotmail.com
  20. I agree entirely but surely the whole/only point in having on of these phones is so you can ponce about your life making comments about your "iphone" or "blackberry" and all it's gay, totally pointless and expensive functions?
  21. Just out if interest, perhaps the guys who were at the game can help here, but where did it look like Fyvie was meant to be playing on Monday? I ask as MM says he sees him as a playmaker, which on admittedly limited viewing so far I would agree with, but he seemed to be more in a holding role at times on Monday. Obviously it may have been hard to tell as none of the other players seemingly wanted, or were able to include our middle three in anything much but I remember thinking his deployment seemed a bit strange
  22. Standard Leige 2-0 Arsenal After 5mins!!
  23. Because then folk might actually take them up on the offer. Can't be having that.
  24. Dunno if you saw the previous series, Lost Land of the Jaguar? The bug guy was brilliant, climbing into rotting logs to find as many horrible creepy crawlies and freaky insects as possible. They guy was literally teaming with them by the end. Have to say his caterpillar/moth thing tonight was crazy, it looked like some kid had made it.
  25. Lost Land of the Volcano Brilliant stuff. Some of the bugs, birds and assorted creatures are bizarre, stunning, and often both at the same time. As for climbing through uncharted underground rivers that suddenly appear half way down a shear cliff face, no thanks. Looks like next week they find a new, previously unknown mammal. EDIT: Spoiler here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8210000/8210394.stm
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