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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Not sure I agree entirely. 3 or 4 horrendous cup defeats and 2 years of miserable league football, which a significant proportion of the support (and yes they probably are the more vocal elements of the support) found uninspiring. 5 years in this day and age is a long long time in football. We don't know what is coming but another year of JC would have guaranteed miserable league football, embarrassing cup defeats, sneaking into the top 6 and possibly sneaking europe. Is it so wrong to want something new, something fresh, something different, in the hope that it is a wee bit more exciting and rewarding?
  2. Good to see Miller get 12 (even if one came off his arse and a few were pens) He needs to make more of the chances he gets and push for 16-18 goals next season. If he does there shouldn't be many in front of him for a Scotland shirt
  3. When have you ever expected the BBC, or press in general, to bother with details like the SPL teams placed 3rd-12th?
  4. ummmm Willie got rid of him? Are you suggesting he did so because Niall and his mates ate pies outside the main entrance a few weeks ago?
  5. Dung gutted he won't be getting so many games next year: http://www.northsound1.com/Article.asp?id=236085&spid=25586
  6. off the top of my head no Unfortunately it wasn't that long ago 5 years 2003/4 http://www.soccerbase.com/league2.sd?competitionid=12
  7. I shall be renewing tomorrow. Well done afc
  8. see: http://www.thedandies.co.uk/messageboard/index.php?topic=8023.0 which I have no stickied
  9. Oh dear Yet again despite us having, by common consent a shit storm of a season, and United having another "best season in decades" season we finish above them. Did I laugh? Just a little bit.
  10. FUCK THIS SHIT WORST THREAD EVER I think most of us are glad to see JC go and thank him for what he has done and where he has taken the club (to a place where what he can achieve is not enough). There is no need, and and nobody other that MiniJC and the hat mob are interested in aimless point scoring and gloating over some fuck abortion of a protest. This thread is now closed
  11. If that's what you are hearing STOP FUCKING LISTENING!!
  12. McLeish would do a brilliant job (until he started having to reshape the team at which point hopefully he would be lured back down south...never ever going to happen though)
  13. No bitching about the whys and where fors. No gloating/fury at the decision to let JC go. What in 5years time will you remember about JC's tenure, and how will you come to view it? For me he gave me some of the best moments of my Dons supporting career (circa 1990-present). The European Run in particular will live long in the memory and probably won't be bettered for several years. The cup win over Celtic at Parkhead. The hammerings of der huns at Pittodrie And many thrilling, pressurised games at Tyncastle. On the other hand I'll remember the unrelenting frustration with his management style. And two of the worst moments I've ever witnessed as a Dons fan, and probably two of the worst moments in our history: Queen's Park and Queen of the South. Thanks for the memories JC. Such high highs and such low lows. But some how never quite enough
  14. Good news all round. JC has done a good job but had clearly lost too many fans (and too many players if the rumour mill is to believed) The last two seasons have seen some fairly miserable league football and something had to change. Whether it is for better or worse, time will tell, but after 5yrs JC had more than served his time and despite the inevitable gloating on some sites and counter whining on this site I would say most fans are in agreement that he has done a great job but the time was right for a change
  15. Yeah I thought is was a massive improvement on recent series, and although not as good as the first two was still very good, one of the few things I've bothered to make a point of watching
  16. I suspect it is bullshit. I however totally agree with BBs post above. The problem is, to continue the analogy, I can barely imagine afc twisting with a 14 or 15 never mind a 17. I suspect it will take our usual start to a season and defeat in the league cup before they even consider punting JC
  17. Quality (sic) reporting from the Sun, with quotes directly lifted off afc-hat and a picture of Mark Kerr, with a caption about Mark Kerr with his eyes blocked out
  18. Agree 100%, although I'll still get indignant about it. This could have happened at any point in the last few years. The worst aspect of this is the timing and the fact the support, club, players and management will now be distracted from our most important game of the season. No doubt team moral will be dented as well, but hopefully JC manages to turn it round to be a positive influence, with the players making a real effort to go out and show they are actually professionals and no a bunch of lazy, drunken, prima donnas.
  19. Confirmed (well in the EE) that a player has been charged:
  20. Stupid fucking cunts Could they not at least wait until after the Hibs game to act like twats. Pissed, fighting and thrown out a nightclub a matter of days before the most important game of the season.
  21. Inability to use the quote function correctly. Capslock You pissed?
  22. Can someone tell me why they are considering Buggerers appeal? Load of fucking nonsense. Went in, two feet, off the ground, at our keepers head. Certainly some referees may have given a yellow but given there is no argument that it was a foul they are appealing on the grounds of interpretation of the rules, which I thought wasn't a valid cause?
  23. Will it make much difference? Any money to be made from europe will really only be forthcoming if we actually make it to the group stage. We are certainly not in a position to splashing cash around on improved contracts and new signings in the assumption we make the group stage. Whether we reach Europe or not JC will be in charge next season (unless Mizer's scenario 5 plays out in particularly horrific fashion). If we fail to make Europe/Grp stages we are in danger of suffering the kind of season we had this season, and had last season in the league. The support will likely continue to moan, groan and fight amongst themselves until JCs contract finally runs out and our moral reaches record lows and our apathy record highs. If we get into the group stages the crowds will flock to Pittodrie for those Thursday night matches and the good feeling will comfortably see us through till the Spring. Obviously qualifying for Europe on Sunday will be great news for the club, and give us some much needed cheer but I fear that very little will change unless we repeat last seasons efforts....which will be a monumental ask.
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