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glasgow sheep

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Posts posted by glasgow sheep

  1. That makes no sense whatsoever.  People really need to get over themselves!


    I don't know who should be more embarrassed the folk that complained about the song or Hibs for listening to them and sacking their DJ.


    Did our dj not get threatened with the same when he played Flower of Scotland for a visit of the Huns, or is that just urban myth

  2. Hibs sack PA announcer after ‘Taxman’ aired at Easter Road

    Published on Tuesday 13 November 2012 00:11

    HIBERNIAN have sacked their stadium announcer following the weekend playing of a Beatles song that teased city rivals Hearts over the financial worries that could see them go out of business within days.


    The Easter Road club made their decision after some Hearts supporters took offence at the tongue-in-cheek airing of the Fab Four’s Taxman at half-time in Sunday’s 2-1 victory over Dundee United. The track was played in reference to Hearts’ struggles to save their club from the clutches of a winding-up order issued by Hmrc over an unpaid £450,000 PAYE, National Insurance and VAT bill. Hibs officials ensured the 1966 release from the Revolver album was cut short but, as far as the PA master of ceremonies is concerned, the move came too late. A Hibs spokesman said the record had not been sanctioned to be aired by the club and added: “The stadium announcer’s contract has been terminated following a breach of conduct.”


    You are fucking kidding me?

    Words fail me.

  3. Lifted fae mad


    BBC Scotland has details of SFL proposal of 16 team top tier, 10 team 2nd tier and 18 team 3rd tier to include Celtic & Rangers colt teams.  They will be discussing this story on Sportsound tonight 18:20 Radio Scotland.


    First thoughts

    "colt" teams is a complete non-starter (even ignoring the fact the huns 1st team is in the 4th tier at present).  At time when teams are cutting back, and Lennon is complaining about too many games while having the biggest squad in the land they want to add in another team into the equation.

    Further patronising bullshit that will be sold as being a cash boost to the lower leagues as all anyone wants to see if wee pricks in blue and/or green and white shirts.


    16 team top league may work with a 10 team league below that but need more detail on how they will make up for the loss of 4 home games.


    Seems to suggest the spl will be abolished, some has some good ideas at least.


    edit to add link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20302632 aiming to be in place for 2015/16

  4. No atmosphere even for arguably the biggest game of the season...so far? Never sat in south before, how does it compare to RDU?


    don't listen to him, someone seems to have pissed in his chips or something.

    If we are doing well then the ground will be rocking, if not it will be it's usual quiet self.

    Probably more likely to get singing in the RDU but the SS can rouse it's self when it wants to

  5. United right back in the mix with a win at fir park tonight. Just two points behind us.

    Hopefully the Tims will continue to slip up in the league while they get carried away with their euro run

  6. Nicked from p&b


    With the re-election of Hussein Obama, America is beyond screwed. We'll all need to be able to speak Greek. Between the gargantuan deficit and runaway regulations it will be a miracle if anybody has a job by 2014


    The 53% (those who pay income taxes) need to pursue a course of action similar to that of the fictional character John Galt. Few of us are wealthy enough to completely isolate ourselves, but we can approximate his fictional actions and here are some ideas.


    Liquidate everything you can by the end of the year. Convert it into cash and squirrel that cash away.


    Stop buying stuff. At least anything beyond the absolute essential. The military calls it "beans, bullets, batteries, and fuel." Make what you have last. If you have to buy a replacement, buy used. Try to barter if you can. Craigslist is full of stuff that costs a fraction of what new stuff costs. Lay in a stash of ammunition, canned food, the myriad batteries we use commonly, and some storable fuel to keep you warm in the winter. Above all, defer purchase of big-ticket depreciating items like houses and cars. Pay off your old house and car if you can.


    Minimize eating out. Minimize entertainment. Both are more expensive than you think.


    For instance, I'd planned to buy some new carpet because of a spot in one room. Now that plan goes out the window. I'll find something to cover it until the storm passes. Also, at the end of the NFL regular season, I'm cancelling my cable TV account. Internet access only. I stashed two tons of anthracite coal for my heating stove.


    Don't worry about the economy. The 47%ers (who pay no income tax) and blue state O-Bots are flush enough with redistributed wealth to keep the consumerist economy going.



  7. BREAKING NEWS: Hearts have been issued with a winding up order by the courts after failing to pay a tax bill on time. The order brought to the courts by HMRC is NOT related to the £1.75 million case that is currently being contested by the club. The latest order is understood to be for unpaid PAYE and VAT. BBC Scotland has learned the sum due is a substantial six figure amount. The club now have eight days to pay up or the winding up order will be enforced by the courts. More on Sportsound tonight from 6:10pm.



    From Sportsound.  ;D


    They've had this kind of thing before have they not?

  8. There are also some whispers, and there have been for some time, that all of this might be linked back to Jill Dando's murder in 1999.


    There are also allegations being published on the internet that Justin Fashanu was involved in a relationship with two Tory MPs who were implicated in these kiddie-fiddling parties, a blackmail plot arose and he was bumped off by MI5 and made to look like suicide...


    Morbid as fuck, and probably all sensationalist, but fascinating.


    And they were behind 911 and the Wall St Crash of the 1930s

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