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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. and would have been home earlier but had to go and buy some comfort food to cheer me up after leaving as soon as the 3rd hit the net. Total shambles, yet again, and I feel I will be finding more worthwhile things to do with my weekends for a good portion of what remains of our season. Tiny dons support, probably the smallest since a midweek game at Rugby Park at the end of Pele's reign. Also the first time there seems to have been such a large proportion openly questioning the buffoon in charge. So starting line up: Yet another tactical masterstroke by JC. 3 (mair, seve and diamond) 4 (foster, duff, walker and nicholson) 2 (miller, Mackie) Add to that Maybury, who appears to have been instructed to run around about 5-10yds behind Alan Johnston. Apart from it being ludicrous to change your team around to counteract a killie in free fall it was ridiculously narrow with only foster really playing wide meaning we were torn to shreds down the wings. At one point there were 3 killie players clear on our left and 2 on our right with a big clueless bunch of wasters in reds standing about in the middles of our box. Needless to say they scored. He finally changes it to 442 but somehow manages to leave Duff and foster on and take off Walker to go: Foster, Mair, Zander, Maybury; Aluko, Duff, Seve; Miller, Mackie We were still hopeless, although to be fair the gale force wind and driving rain didn't help, but that doesn't excuse the sheer stupidity and ineptitude of our players. Unfortunately the 2nd half suggests that their stupidity may be stemming from JC. Maguire on for Maybury and the formation escapes me, but needless to say the introduction made not a jot of difference...we even witnessed the old hoof up the park to maguire's head. With the Dons crowd growing increasingly hostile JC brings on JDV. Who will he bring off? The ineffectual Duff, the increasingly useless Seve, Chris - worse than being a man down - Maguire, maybe a defender.....no he brings off Lee fucking Miller, leaving us with by calculations no strikers on the park. Meanwhile Lovell is left on the bench. Cue chants of "you don't know what you're doing" and more than a few JC's get tae fuck. We are a very very poor side. Some of this is down to the shite players, some of it is down to "good" players not performing, or simply not interested, and some of it is down to the ineffectual twat in charge. On this form we won't even get near to the top 6. I hope to hell something dramatic happens in the summer otherwise it could be a long long season next year with no europe to distract us.
  2. anyone find a phone in the square, beer hall or department store/carry-oot shop gonnae gie us it back
  3. 2hours to lift off!! See you over there :ultras: :intheclub:
  4. I thought they had returned those we hadn't sold?
  5. I just presumed you were pished on sunday when you came out with the above, so what is your excuse today?
  6. in that situation then I suppose I could cope with being shit in Scotland
  7. Our season really now hinges on the cup game vs the tic as thanks to the sfa and the high number of "pish" teams left in the cup means 4th will probably not be enough to get in europe. I think we can still achieve 4th but 3rd looks distinctly unlikely while scraping into the top6 looks most likely. If we get back into europe it has been a great season If we miss out on europe but achieve the top6 it is an adequate season. Anything less will be disappointing.
  8. fucking shambles. They have had cash gates before why not now...or atleast let folk pick up tickets from the team bus. As for your cunning plan...what happens when they search your bag outside the hibs gate?
  9. not only are there no cash turnstiles but hibs won't allow dandies to pick up tickets at the stadium/from the team bus. BTR was going to phone and get one from pittodrie the other day but there was no way he could actually get the ticket. From reading aberdeen-mad there seems to be quite a few folk who have missed out due to this while there will be 100s of empty seats in our end
  10. Good news: Jones is maybe out Bad news: Duff is available
  11. I think yir hallucinating.....too much or not enough drugs?
  12. Vewy vewy pwowd. Superb performance, particularly first half, and even in the second we only let them in a couple of times. Absolutely gutted I couldnae be there, but thankfully work was quiet and managed to see the whole game. Sounded a cracking atmosphere and just gutted we couldn't nick one at the death to recreate that famous score line. As Mark Mcghee said this game could save our season. Another humping and it may well have been down hill all the way, but if we don't take some confidence and inspiration from tonight we never will. We need to get back in europe next season. These games have been as big as any since I started watching the dandies and I've fucking loved it. STAND FREE
  13. Post match: JC "Sloppy.......poor....individual mistakes....not good enough.....nae money......players rubbish....." afc player "manager give us hell......letting the fans down...no confidence.......will try harder.......we'll turn it around....." Milne "............................................." afc support "so fancy going paintballing/fishing/helping with some DIY next saturday etc etc"
  14. I don't want to hear another fucking rallying call. Infact I don't want to hear another word out of these cunts mouths unless it is "sorry" or "goodbye"
  15. I may just go and get pissed instead. Anyone want a ticket for easter rd? I know I will end up going and having my usual 2 or 10 beers before hand. Can't decide if this is a good idea or not. On the one hand it might blank out the "football". On the other hand I may kill some one
  16. he might add a bit of excitement by playing 532 or some other assortment of numbers.
  17. right GTF 72:39 GOAL - Barry Robson Aberdeen 1 - Celtic 5 Still 20mins of "football" left. What is the record SPL defeat again?
  18. hang on.....what is the point in Lovell? Presumably maguire is being put in midfield but surely it would be worth while sticking mackie on the wing and seeing if Lovell, might just be a better striker than barren
  19. This goes for most our team I'm afraid. Total shambles. Thank fuck I can't see it. JC has had over 7months to work out what his defence is. I lambasted him in August for not even trying to persist with a CB pairing for two games in a row. Little did I think that come Feb he still would be none the wiser and infact we start a game vs celtic with another brand new, untested defence. Nae wonder we crumble. What kind out confidence or understanding can the players have with each other when the tombola is so over used? I slated JC heavily earlier in the year and at times last season. I decided to change and back him 100% (I was even pleased that he signed a new contract) as we were steady in the league and still competing in the cups. However all my orginal complaints about JC have resurfaced (in fact in truth they never went away). He seemingly has learnt nothing about the team over the last year, refuses to learn from mistakes and continues to hold ridiculous grudges on one hand while pandering to favourites on the other. Defeat to celtic is no disgrace. Destroyed by celtic, at home, following a 2nd malling by united in the space of a few weeks, following defeats by well and hearts and draws with gretna and falkirk, however is not acceptable. I fear for thur night....in fact I'm barely looking forward to munich at the moment, and I never thought I'd say that
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