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glasgow sheep

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Posts posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Aberdeen have played St Mirren 15 times in the league cup, but only once in a QF, in 1989 when we won 3-1 thanks to goals from Mason, Bett and an own goal.

    In the 8 games played at Pittodrie we have yet to lose, with 6 wins and 2 draws.

    The biggest League Cup game against St Mirren came in 1955 when the Dons won the League Cup 2-1 at Hamdpen in front of 44,000 fans:


    The Full Record:



    Played 1

    Won 1 



    Played 8

    Won 6

    Drawn 2

    Lost 0   



    Played 6

    Won 3

    Drawn 2

    Lost 1   




    Played 15

    Won 10

    Drawn 4

    Lost 1 


    Match Breakdown

    19 Aug 1995      Aberdeen    3    -    1    St. Mirren    League Cup R2    10,397

    30 Aug 1989      Aberdeen    3    -    1    St. Mirren    League Cup QF    11,500

    25 Aug 1976      Aberdeen    4    -    0    St. Mirren    League Cup G2    8,212

    18 Aug 1976      St. Mirren    2    -    3    Aberdeen    League Cup G2    4,500

    29 Aug 1964      Aberdeen    2    -    2    St. Mirren    League Cup G1    7,000

    15 Aug 1964      St. Mirren    3    -    3    Aberdeen    League Cup G1    5,000

    28 Aug 1963      St. Mirren    0    -    3    Aberdeen    League Cup G2    7,000

    14 Aug 1963      Aberdeen    2    -    2    St. Mirren    League Cup G2    11,000

    22 Oct 1955      Aberdeen    2    -    1    St. Mirren    League Cup F    44,106

    27 Aug 1949      Aberdeen    1    -    0    St. Mirren    League Cup GA    22,000

    13 Aug 1949      St. Mirren    3    -    1    Aberdeen    League Cup GA    25,000

    02 Oct 1948      St. Mirren    1    -    1    Aberdeen    League Cup GD    17,000

    30 Aug 1947      Aberdeen    2    -    0    St. Mirren    League Cup GA    20,000

    09 Aug 1947      St. Mirren    0    -    1    Aberdeen    League Cup GA    8,000

  2. Think it was in the first few minutes when their left back gets injured. Fraser continues and crosses it and Vernon lets it come across his body onto his wrong foot and he just slices it, goes out for a throw. Wasn't as bad as it sounds, it is a hard skill to get that on target


    It looked blood awful

  3. Massive game on Tue. Might be inclined to freshen things up a bit and start with Hayes but not sure who I would leave out. The obvious answer is Clark but when we went to two in the middle on sat we lost out a bit to Dundee. Vernon needs to get in on the goals as looks short if confidence but as the Dunfermline game showed we are a poorer team with out him.


    Got to keep the momentum going and surely just by the law of averages if we get through we are due a semi final win.

  4. Played a lot better this season and got a draw so can't complain too much but poor start to the second half and Vernon missed at least two Holden chances that would have seen us in second.

    But that is really just nit picking. Coasted for most the game and with a little more luck would have been even more comfortable. Two tough away games but how good would it be if we went into the tims game knowing a win would see us top.

    This team deserves a far bigger crowd than they are getting, great opening quarter to the season, lets hope it is just a start and we push on from here over the next Monty or two.

  5. Dundee United today confirmed the signing of Rudi Skacel on a short term deal. The midfielder joins the Club until 30 January 2013.


    good signing for them, they looked better than their position would suggest, and with their games in hand I'm sure they will be up level with us before long

  6. "Gary Naysmith is in the squad - he is one of the 19 players who trained today. It is great to have him involved again. He is an outstanding professional. He is a character and a motivator. We are lucky to have guys like Gary here along with Russell, Gavin and Stephen. It is great to have their experience in and around the club.


    "The travelling fans in the last two games at Kilmarnock and Tannadice have been unbelievable. Sometimes the fans can be a bit quiet at home. There is an expectation that when we are at home we will win games. It does not work like that. We still need the support that we got at Tannadice. The players all really appreciated it and were all commenting on it in the dressing room after the game. Dundee will be taking a good crowd up so hopefully as I say there will be a good atmosphere."

  7. "There is no update on Andrew Considine. We don't know how long he will be out for. At the moment his foot is in a boot which is inflated and is made of plaster and he takes it off when he is getting treatment. If it is a fixed plaster you can't do that. That means the medical team at the moment don't think he needs a solid plaster cast. There is a thought that it is a previous injury that has aggravated recently. If that is the case it might be good news.
  8. I used to read The Red Final now and again, and there was one called 10MWTW a while back as well.


    Do these or related AFC fanzines still exist? In a paper format I mean, and sold outside the ground on matchdays?


    TRF still exists, I subscribe to it so get it delivered to my door but you can still buy it on the street outside Pittodrie if you can find Merkie.

    Still got some cracking cartoons and the notes and quotes bit is good.  Other than that Merkie continues to write incredibly long pieces in incredibly small print in the finest obe tradition.

    Sadly it's the only one on the go these days but I suppose the internet has taken over, however there are fee fan penned articles about; a few on mad but that is about it these days, probably space in the market for a dedicated afc blog.

  9. DST Meeting with Aberdeen City Council


    Earlier this month representatives from Dons Supporters Together met with representatives from the Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to discuss the recent Aberdeen FC stadium developments and the rejection of plans for a training complex in partnership with Cove Rangers. The following questions put to the council are taken primarily from feedback sent to us from members that we collated and sought to put directly to ACC. Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us regarding this issue.


    Questions for ACC re the AFC (Stadium) and Cove/AFC joint applications


    What was, and is, the nature of the relationship between AFC and local political groups, plus individual Councillors, specifically Councillors Crockett and Young, past and present involved during both of the application processes i.e. Loirston Loch (LL) and Cove R/AFC joint application?

    Relationship was with Cove Rangers who are acting as applicants – AFC were only agents


    Has Labour (rather than the coalition) always been against the new (LL) stadium and why?

    Labour were against original move to LL but are NOT trying to prevent move now given previous decisions


    Has Labour always been against the Allen Park/Calder Park plans? If so, Why?

    No but ACC need to ensure best value on sale of land – particularly given the 12 year period to get to this point


    Why is Labour  seeking to “kill them off” now as this seemed to be progressing fine until the change of power in ACC (e.g. invoking the whip)?

    Not seeking to kill off – but to ensure due process and best value.  Things could still proceed albeit with delays


    Were AFC consulted re delaying the ratification of the joint application planned that ACC were scheduled to do pre the local elections. Who proposed the delay until after the election?

    Not answered


    Does ACC not benefit economically from LL/Calder Park?

    Is ACC concerned about the very real prospect of AFC moving to Aberdeenshire given the various offers of land that have been made to AFC plus the demographics of AFC’s supporters base being such that a move would be well received?

    Yes there is some benefit economically but not huge, yes ACC is concerned and want the club to still be within the city


    Why does ACC not view AFC as an asset to the city, as there is no evidence of working together for the benefit of communities in the city and Aberdeenshire?

    ACC do see club as asset to city


    Surely ACC would not want the 3rd largest city in Scotland to be without an SPL club plus suffer the loss of income to the city that would ensue and to be blamed for all this e.g. if AFC had to play European matches in Glasgow?

    ACC see misinformation here given AFC has not sorted out ownership of ground for actual stadium with Muir Group.

    Historically, did ACC only ever offer 2 sites, and why? e.g. Loirston (LL) and Kings Links

    Before Cllr Crocket’s time, but ACC not in business of “offering sites” they want, rather, to facilitate the right move


    Was the Kings Links option ever viable given it is deemed as “Common Good” land?

    There are some difficulties but these could be overcome (as is happening in Edinburgh currently, and also with some other Common Good land sell-off in Aberdeen)


    In what year, and why, did ACC renege on the previous proposal for a community stadium?

    Did not get a year, but with current financial climate community option is simply not a starter


    Could this community concept be reinstated e.g.at Kings Links or given most fans would prefer to stay at Pittodrie, would ACC consider taking over Pittodrie as a community investment, re-developing it and then lease it back to AFC?

    No – see above


    Did (when?) the council insist on a 2nd access route for LL (and for parking <totally inadequate>) as a condition of the planning application?

    There was already an alternative (to Calder Park development) access route in proposal


    Is Calder Park the only option for this 2nd route or does ACC believe there are others?

    No apparently not


    If yes, then why did ACC block the Calder Park (request for an extension of time?) request, knowing it would jeopardise the LL application, already approved…..and why does the Council claim AFC can still proceed with LL?

    Issue is one of ensuring deliverability and best value for ACC


    How can the “chicken & egg” situation for AFC and Cove over the funding for both applications be resolved i.e. from ACC’s perspective, how can AFC confirm funding arrangements if the linked proposals that are necessary remain rejected/ delayed?

    ACC see this as AFC issue – but feel the issue with Muir Group needs to be resolved first

    What is Councillor Young looking to see in this regard re his questioning of evidence that confirmed finances are in place for both applications?

    Some concern over the viability of the schemes – ACC want to be sure things can proceed to conclusion – officers concerned over the business case


    As it was claimed that the Cove application has been on-going for 12 years why was this extension not permitted, especially given that ACC knew the impact of doing so? Was the original application submitted solely by Cove and when did AFC (and others) get involved to change it to a joint one?

    It is not dead yet – reports will be back before council in Feb 2013 and the current proposals could then be accepted


    What are the obligations upon Cove (AFC) in this application e.g. does it remain that use of the land must be for recreational purposes only? If yes, is this obligation met by the proposed community sports complex including AFC’s dedicated training facility?

    Yes  – ACC insists on Community Benefit – which recreational meets


    Can Cove and/ or AFC appeal/challenge the ACC decision – or just Cove?

    Cove – as they are the applicant


    Does Cove own the land at Allen Park, or do they lease it from the council?

    Cove own the land


    Is it correct that the plans to build a sports centre on Allen Park have been changed to build houses?

    Understanding is houses are planned


    Is this change of green belt to brown belt land permitted and/or has it been approved?

    This is already agreed


    Is SMGH the only buyer involved for Allen Park? Has their offer been formally rejected?

    Not Known


    Is it correct that ACC believe SMGH’s offer to be below market value? If yes, has the current M/V been determined and how big is the gap?

    There is such a concern – council (given history and current climate) must achieve best value


    As ACC has taken control of the land, then is the deal at an impasse until the M/V is obtained and paid?

    Certainly blocked until return to council in Feb 2013


    Can other parties now step in to offer more to ACC?



    It has been stated that ACC got legal advice that they could not sell the land to a single private buyer (SMGH) as this would immediately be challenged by others, especially where the land sale is below market value. Is this assertion correct as it seems detrimental to Cove’s rights and also would SMGH not have had the same legal advice before they offered?

    Restated that council need to achieve – and be seen to achieve – best value


    Why has ACC disregarded the SFA’s wishes regarding their desire to link the Calder Park development with the North East Regional training centre?

    SFA input is noted but they are not part of any commercial deal.  ACC do want an  SFA centre in the area


    When ACC offered AFC the LL site, did ACC claim they owned the land?

    Was that claim correct?

    ACC own some of the land, Muir the other sections.  On original plan stadium was on council land, but design changes have moved to to the Muir section


    When was it sold to Hermiston Securities? Why?

    Were AFC informed and what action was taken?

    ACC still own land, Hermiston (Muir) another bit


    What does ACC believe are the options now open to AFC (and Cove) re both applications?

    ACC and clubs still talking.  Things could still go head on original basis, stadium could proceed with Calder Park development but different access, a new site could be agreed


    Is there a conflict of interest for any councillors involved e.g. interests in Cove, Banks O’Dee; AFC?



    How does ACC propose to break the impasse, and rebuild mutual trust, with AFC, specifically Messrs Crockett and Young, e.g. the latter’s description of AFC’s vice chairman as a “stranger to the truth”?

    ACC and clubs are still talking – view is megaphone diplomacy is not helping and ACC are surprised at AFC comments. Believed the relationships are fixable.

  10. Sooner he fucks off the better.

    Interesting quote from Gavin Rae in tomorrow's programme and from what Brown has said himself I suspect he is completely isolated within the squad:


    "We have a really good dressing room at the moment. I have been in dressing rooms before where there are one or two bad eggs. They can disharmonise the whole team. Your certainly do not have that here. It is a good dressing room where everyone contributes. We are all trying to do the best we can for this club. If anyone steps out of line, the boys are quick to get on them.



  11. From Jim Spence: "Dundee Utd report net profit of £1.449 million pounds. Chairman says SPL is thriving and absence of Rangers has not had huge effect on Utd. "


    wow that is some profit for Utd, is that from their cup winning year or last year?  In fact must be last year, perhaps includes a few big sales

  12. In this week's redmatchday magazine there is an interview with Gavin Rae.


    "The end to last season was tough, but I hope we can do something this season. The manager has certainly put together a squad that is capable. When you look at the game last Saturday, big Andy Considine, who has been brilliant, was missing and then Ryan Jack is also out, another player who has been excellent all season. They drop out, but Clark Robertson goes straight into the left-back spot, Chris Clark comes into the middle and you have still got such a strong substitute bench. That is really important. If players do miss out, it is vital you can bring in players who are of a similar standard and quality. We have definitely got that throughout the squad. Sometimes it is hard trying to keep everyone happy but that manager is managing to do that. Everyone knows it is a squad game and everyone tries to help each other out in the dressing room.


    "We have a really good dressing room at the moment. I have been in dressing rooms before where there are one or two bad eggs. They can disharmonise the whole team. Your certainly do not have that here. It is a good dressing room where everyone contributes. We are all trying to do the best we can for this club. If anyone steps out of line, the boys are quick to get on them.


    "I would not say the experienced boys preach or anything to the young lads. It is more just watching and following what we do, especially when it comes to nutrition and recovery and preparation for games. All the older players are in the gym all the time just looking after ourselves, and the young boys see that. You have to do stuff off your own back as there is only one person who knows your body, and you have to look after it yourself."


    Inevitably, playing against Dundee is a little bit special for Gavin, because he continues to keep a very close eye on his former club.


    "They have a lot of injuries to key players and I think that is maybe what is hurting just now. It was difficult for them with everything that went on over the summer and not knowing what league they were going to play in right up until the last moment. I am sure they are delighted they are back in the SPL, but it was always going to be tough to start with. They certainly have good players there, I've seen that close up when I was there last season. Once they get everyone back fit again they will have a right good team. They will be tough to beat on Saturday and we will have to be in our guard."


    Also in this week's issue: Niall McGinn, Craig Brown, Billy Dodds, Richard Gordon, Chris Crighton, Kevin Stirling, Russell Anderson plus all the usual features.

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