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glasgow sheep

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Posts posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Pretty shocking stuff, although not suprising.

    I suppose duff and duffer will be getting a serious amount of shit for all this.  Could it invalidate the sale to Green?  Daly on GMS this morning suggested it wouldn't.


    In further Dirthy Filthy Hun Scumbag Vermin (deceased) in LIQUIDATION and Other News:


    alex thomson [!]8207;@alextomo

    Rangers and intimidation – victims speak exclusively to #c4news tomorrow



  2. Fan Investment/desperate for cash


    HEARTS supporters are being invited to drive the club’s future by taking part in a new fund-raising exercise which the club hope will raise over £1million.


    The Evening News has learned that fans will have the opportunity to become involved in how Hearts are run and will have “a critical role to play in the direction the club takes in the near future”.


    Full details of the plan will be contained in a brochure to be handed out to every supporter attending Saturday’s SPL match with Ross County at Tynecastle. The booklet will outline the direction the board wants to take the club, which will include greater fan involvement and investment.


    The plan is designed to support the ?efforts of the board in protecting the club against current economic ?difficulties, which yesterday saw them banned from signing players for the next two months as the Scottish Premier League punished them for late payment of wages.


    Hearts are determined to ensure money troubles quickly become a thing of the past and have devised their new plan to generate a seven-figure sum. Funding from parent company Ukio Bankas Investment Group has stopped, therefore fans will now get the chance to have their input into the future.


    A spokesperson at Hearts said: “We will be revealing full details to supporters at this weekend’s game against Ross County and they will have a very important part to play in the future direction of the club. We are hopeful that when we reveal details they will be supportive of the initiative being launched.”


    Hearts officials are keen to see a big crowd this weekend to ensure details of the new initiative reach as many supporters as possible. The plan is heavily supported by the club’s Lithuanian hierarchy, with majority shareholder Vladimir Romanov also considering visiting Edinburgh for the match.

  3. Romney is a fucking Mormon, if you understand anything about how retarded you have to be to follow the scripture of Joseph Smith then it's pretty clear that you don't want one getting into the white house.


    Any worse the the old testament, or new for that matter?

  4. Club have sold season tickets for RDS so not a chance they can shut it now. Also where the main corporate area is so again shutting it is a non starter.


    Think Tyrant is right though. If the team are playing decent football it will get the fans involved and help create a better atmoshpere.


    We're talking of closing the RDU not the entire RDS

  5. I would shut the RDU if only to save the club money. I do think the slightly less sparse support would make for a better atmosphere as well. And aye. Aberdeen fans are miserable cunts. But I remember it not being that way. I remember when I sat in the RDU (back around the start of the JIG era) fans up at the back would sing all the time. Now I never hear them. Quite simply I think the team needs to create atmosphere with good fitba. And it looks like we're going in the right direction with that.  :thumbsup:


    A thumping win and good crowd on Sat would help with that.

    As a RDU ST holder I would miss not being able to stand and sing when I want as if I had to move to the SS or RDL I'd be stuck sitting on my hands for most the game like 90% of grounds in the country.  The reason the atmosphere is so good at (some) away games is because folk are standing more, esp the shed.


    Because he's wealthy so everything that's bad is his fault. Fuck their one sided shite. I'm glad I didn't bother watching it. I'm glad we got the course built and I also don't see what the massive problem was with moving a wind farm slightly further away.


    Not watched it yet but equally because he is rich everything he does isn't ok and he shouldn't be allowed to do what ever he wants.

    Whether you agree or disagree with the development (and I agree in principal) the way the authorities and elected officials (local and national) have pandered to him, the mere suggestion of using CPO for a golf course and the alleged intimidation of those who opposed him (remind you of any individuals from govan?) is disgusting and doesn't bode well for an independent Scotland.

    He came out with much bluster about taking the makers of the film to court, but much like similar statements from Craig Whyte, Charles Green et al I'd be amazed if he does because he knows he will lose.



  7. As much criticism as these things always get, perhaps having a specific 'singing area' at Pittodrie would help, similar to the ones they've had at Hampden for the past couple of seasons.


    Often having one group singing I've found leads to people in other parts of the ground joining in, they've just needed someone to start up and it could create a better atmosphere.


    They tried that and it was either ignored by everyone who preferred their usual seats/standing area or was populated by utter morons.

  8. Craig told this week's RedMatchday "Chatting with the players and staff after the match at Tannadice last week it was noted that the wonderful 4,000 supporters seemed to make more noise than twice the number at Pittodrie.


    Much as I like the RDU, it's time to close it for the majority of games.


    Problem is folk go to tannadice (well the shed) to get drunk, stand and sing

    Folk go to Pittodrie to sit down, moan and boo Mackie.

    Closing the RDU won't necessarily help with that

  9. That's what I was thinking  :o


    Admittedly Obama hasn't had a spectacular 4 years but the American economy was on its arse before he came to Washington.


    Although Mitt (get a proper fucking name) would be bad news for most of the world he would be fucking terrible news for Americans.  Seems intent in driving the social agenda back to the 1950s while making our own Tory govt look like a bunch of loveable WI wifies.

  10. back on topic and enough of this fake yank sport chat  >:D

    Lets hammer these Jute minks

    Remember all Black and Gold Season Ticket Holders (realrealfans) get a free ticket for this to give to their mates (pretendfans) so hopefully a decent crowd too after the tv affected crowds of our last two home games

  11. the thing is though its not just the huns, we need to start taking power away from celtic.  A change in the way tv money is distributed could go a long way to levelling the playing a field a bit...... you so other teams would have a fighting chance at a title shot


    tbh we need to get power away from the spl clubs in general (including afc), preferably by dissolving the rotten excuse for a league.

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