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glasgow sheep

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Posts posted by glasgow sheep

  1. i hope the players are less foppish when we play them next than some of you lot. bring the cunts on. i hope we play them and beat them every year. break their spirits. ruin their season. confine them to div 3 for ever (until they go bust again).

    My concern is more that their scum fans will smash our place up and wreak vengeance on us for.....well whatever we are supposed to have done.

    The first Sevco games vs Aberdeen, Celtic, United, Hibs will be fucking carnage

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but surely this is there own fault ?

    Think SFL rules state no more than twenty two registered players over the age of twenty one in order to promote youth development. Given the fact that they have held on to the registrations of Lafferty, Naismith, Whittaker and a couple of others it is there own fucking fault, but hey as usual Der Hun will want their cake and eat, and when they don't get it will blame all and sundry claiming the entire western world has it in for the poor wee souls.


    As an aside, were they not the very ones spouting off at the time of the liquidation that they would re build with youth very much to the forefront. Yet more shite spouted by McMoist and the Arthur Daley type character.


    Absolutely Al.  I got a text last night saying they started with 4 Scotsman and given that two were McCulloch and Alexander just shows what they are about.

    As for the 22 players over 21 rule.  Are there ANY SPL teams with those kind of numbers, never mind SFL Div 3?

  3. The only thing that can be said about Scottish Futures Trust (which is what you are talking about) is that it surely can't be such a monumental fuck up and waste of money as the scheme it is replacing, PFI, which was sold to us in a similar manner but has resulted in Private companies making millions while the NHS etc struggle to pay the bills to these companies, cutting services etc as a result.  All at a much, much higher rate than if it had been done through any traditional funding model (but then it is all off book debt to the Government so they are quite happy)

  4. Seen it claimed elsewhere the Draw is today at 5pm despite Sevco v Falkirk still to be played tonight.


    Draw is seeded:




    Dundee United


    St Johnstone

    St Mirren


    Inverness CT


    Dunfermline Athletic


    Hamilton Accies





    Queen's Park




  5. St Mirren looking good before their visit to pittodrie on Sat, currently 5-1 v Ayr United.

    Ict winning 1-0 at Gayfield.

    Dundee doing there bit for a shock tonight currently 1-1 at Hampden and a man down.

  6. Surely the other point is to have more facilities that can make the club money out with a Saturday (sic) which you're idea would never do, infact it would probably reduce that income Mizer.

    Pittodrie may have been developable (is that a word) at some point but sadly it isn't now


    Anyway, I got some info this morning from someone intimately involved in the Calder Park situation relating to the planning decision.  Penfold touched upon the issue earlier and it seems to have been pretty much glossed over, but the upshot of it is that the club are not blameless in this situation at all and that there is presently a very strong likelihood that they will re-visit the Loirston scheme again.


    What?  HE said that the Stadium wasn't reliant on Calder Park despite the club stating that to be the case.  I still don't know why the council turned down Calder Park, is there an explanation out there?

  8. Aye but when will the AWPR be completed?




    Anyway DST have put out a survey for you all to complete (see below).  I think it is a bit shit tbh, so have emailed a lengthy rant to them about the whole thing (the stadium issue, not their survey) .  Their email address is also below


    The various matters related to AFC’s stadium, current and future remain very emotive for Dons fans. The City Council’s decision regarding the training ground complex at Cove, and the subsequent statements by the club has brought the whole issue to the fore again. DST is keen to meet with club officials to understand the situation better and what happens next, and so, we are very keen to be able to represent the views of DST members in these discussions.


    The last time we sought your opinions on the stadium situation was when we were the AFC Trust but now, as DST, we have over 1,000 more members and we would like to get the thoughts of this much bigger group.


    Accordingly, we have compiled a short survey (less than 1 minute) containing a few questions that we’d like to get your thoughts on.




    We encourage you to email us with any further comments you would like to express at info@donssupporterstogether.com.


    If there is anyone else you know who would like to have their views heard, but is not a DST member, then please let him/her know about this and that they can join quickly at www.donssupporterstogether.com/membership and then complete the survey.


    Thank you for your assistance in the survey.

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