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glasgow sheep

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Posts posted by glasgow sheep

  1. I think you can, you can have alcohol in your bag so long as you don't drink it or have it visibly showing after 9pm or before 10am.


    Scotrail tweeted me last week saying that trains before football games will have alcohol bans more often now. I wondered if that is just between cities that the playing clubs are from or any train going to any city with a game on which arrives at the time that football fans are likely to arrive.




    Folk heading up on the train before us so will try and find out what happens to them.

    I'm sure it will just be trains between the towns/cities of the respective teams.....hopefully

  2. by the sounds of it the figures above may not be 100% accurate as suddenly section x and other sections suddenly have huge areas as sold out which seems unlikely, anyway fyi


    Red Army Information | 


    The match is LIVE on RedTV International. For more information please click here. The game will be shown as Live on BBC Alba.


    For ticket information please click here. Please note tickets have sold well over the last 24 hours and a big crowd is expected. There are cash turnstiles but AS AWAYS WE WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND you buy a ticket in advance to avoid having to queue. The ticket office is open from 9am tomorrow morning.


    Please note there will be a minute's applause before the game as we pay tribute and remember one of AFCs greatest ever legends - Teddy Scott.

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