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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Who knows? The proposals are worded in such a way that the make an already opaque situation as clear as mud. Interestingly this site suggests the "good guy, wank" situation is more "good guy, might be a good guy, might be a wank, wank" http://honestyinsport.weebly.com/index.html Yes - 1 Probable Yes - 1 Unknown - 11 Probable No - 6 No - 9 Abstaining - 2
  2. Good Guys 13 Wanks 3 http://sport.stv.tv/football/108222-rangers-newco-vote-sfl-clubs-outline-their-positions-on-the-issue/
  3. Now would be nice if afc answered my email in a similar manner
  4. I've seen very few suggestions of this elsewhere, almost as if Thomo is trying to get one started himself
  5. do we not have a thread for this? I'm sure I've copied and pasted a load of shit into some thread somewhere or other. and I do think that afc have questions still to answer, but then I posted that somewhere else too.
  6. Does he have shares in the company building this as the delay will surely mean lots more cash for them whenever it is finally built.
  7. Sorry to post yet another of my emails up but perhaps will encourage others to do the same. This time to Duncan Fraser via duncanf@afc.co.uk which was posted on Mad
  8. What do Berwick get something like £50k from the SPL money, if that?
  9. RST response to the Hibs Fans. They actually have a few good points at the start before descending into familiar hunnish fantasy.
  10. That 6th game in the 3rd did for him, what was it, about 20mins long? Compared to previous Grand Slam finals he came out and looked like a winner at the start instead of crumbling within the first 20mins. He'll have plenty more chances
  11. They said the roof would favour Fed and that seems to be the case, even still he had plenty chances to save that sixth game. If he's going to do it it's going to be the hard way
  12. Dumbarton voting Yes to Div 1 http://www.dumbartonfootballclub.com/news/?mode=view&id=4026
  13. Did you post it on P&B? Seems everyone knows it is a fake from the Celtic View. Fair enough if it I suppose but still sadly believable.
  14. The more I think about it the more AFC have to come out and speak against the charade. The media and suits at Hampden have never had and never will have any interest in what the fans and small clubs think about the state of Scottish Football. We and they are repeatedly used and abused to further the agendas of the big clubs and the plethora of organisations and bureaucrats. What we need is for someone with a significant level of influence and involvement in the game to speak out. I mean who the fuck had heard of Turnbull Hutton before this and who will remember his name in a years time? Aberdeen and more importantly Stewart Milne have been (like it or not) at the forefront of the formation of the SPL and have been heavily involved in many areas at the top of the game for a number of years. Stewart Milne is a well known and largely respected (shut up at the back) figure in the game and AFC are still seen as one of, if not the biggest club outside the OF Celtic. Milne speaks out against this, people will listen. It may not change the course of this contemptible bullshit but it distances us from it and draws attention to the fact that the "SPL" does not necessarily speak for it's member clubs. Then it's not just nobodies with keyboards and Wifi and some old men in suits nobody has ever heard of that are against it.
  15. If true then I see why Turnbull Hutton was questioning whether Raith would even attend
  16. SFL clubs also need to give, what, a 1 years notice at resigning the league? Furthermore an SPL2 if suddenly formed from no where surely means existing prize and TV money will be stretched between 22 clubs instead of 12 thus costing us money. I too, as I've said for the last week, would like to see AFC speak out against this. I'm happy enough that they are not part of this nonsense but it would be nice to hear it confirmed officially.
  17. In fact, it doesn't even make sense. Vote 1, let Seveco into the SFL Vote 2, let them into wherever the board (SPL/SFA) wish. What happens if they vote yes for 1, which seems certain, but no to 2 which is possible. They are in the SFL but have no league to play in? Eh?
  18. Eh? Vote two says let Seveco in and thereafter do what ever the SFL board wish (are told to by the SPL and SFA) No wonder some SFL chairmen have come out angrily about this. I can't imagine many, if any, want to exclude Seveco altogether but they are being forced to accept any old shit and Seveco on the league or no Seveco. In which case they presumably waste another week or two having Seveco and others apply for the spare 3rd Division place? Or is it as cynical as the SPL2 idea, although that surely can't be organised for this season, so we have Seveco sitting out football for a year? Farcical.
  19. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/aberdeen/109684-aberdeen-fans-to-sponsor-sfl-clubs-who-endorse-sporting-integrity/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
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