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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. Yet another email sent. To late but feel I need to flood their inbox with something other than.....what you doing you utter cunting whores!?!GTYGUGFTYGV
  2. If the SPL postpone the vote I would encourage the SFL to cancel their meeting next week as there is nothing to vote on. Until they know whether or not Seveco will need to apply to the SFL there is no need for a vote. They should just get on with their league season, state it is now too late to allow a new club to enter at any level and tell the SPL to go fuck themselves
  3. Your missing the side issue of 2013 Stewart Gilmour sells club to supporters consortium. Is he just worried he'll get a bit less cash in his back pocket?
  4. I've been so fixed on No to Newco in the SPL and on getting them sent to the 3rd at best I've missed what perhaps was an obvious point. Allowing them into the First Division is the worst of all possible scenarios. The only reason for putting them in the First is to ensure they end up in the SPL the following season via either promotion or league reconstruction. This blatant gerrymandering and league fixing is actually more abhorrent than simply letting them into the SPL and insisting on several sanctions, including signing ban, football debts and promising to say 10 hail marys before bed time. There is absolutely no merit what so ever in the First Div option, it doesn't even make it look like they have been suitably "punished". It actually makes the league even more pathetic and embarrassing than just carrying on as if nothing much has happened. I see now where Turnbull Hutton was coming from. The SPL are an even bigger bag of shitesters than I realised. SPL have some balls and either admit them to the SPL or allow the SFL to admit them(if they wish) to the 3rd. 1st Div just abdicates any responsibility what so ever.
  5. Quite, and in actual fact have we seen Seveco actually apply for the SPL spot, or hand in the paperwork required from the SFA for transfer of their licence? (I know they handed in some but given the mess they are still in was it sufficient, by the rules, you know RULES) Anyway probably as informative as we will get here is a copy and paste job from the St Mirren forum, via P&B. Interesting stuff, SG has clearly gone mental with his Belgium League idea and you have to ask what happens if the huns don't get promoted despite all the reconstruction plans, but anyway
  6. The SFL were never going to hold a vote this week, I don't buy that any of the clubs that said NO will change their vote tomorrow. Those not committed, or who have privately decided they would vote YES, may want to postpone the vote but there will be enough to see the vote carried and the Newco will be officially prevented from joining the SPL.
  7. Take a step back. Nothing has changed today. The SFL were never holding a vote today, although it is disappointing they have arranged it for the 12th, it needs sorted sooner. We have had the press and cockwomble scare stories, we knew they were going to come. Perhaps the only thing to emerge is the level of the ineptitude in agreeing contracts with get out clauses but it seems these don't come into play for another yr so plenty time to readjust. Tomorrow is the beginning of the end. The SPL will vote NO. Anything else, and by that I mean delay, will sadly sound the death of Scottish Football, and I'm not sure we're there yet. Don't let the misinformation and propaganda from the media, spl and the rest side track you.
  8. The day we start listening to the footballers the ba' is well and truly burst.
  9. All well and good but this isn't punishment for rangers (deceased). They don't exist anymore. This is seeing that the rules get applied to Seveco as they would to Spartans, Cove or anyone else applying to join the SFL.......taking of which Seveco haven't even applied yet so they better get their skates on.
  10. SFL to meet on Thur to decide whether Seveco get into the SFL (whatever that means) Apparently it is now a simple majority vote (for whatever) so 16 votes needed to pass. Current situation (as per P&B, back of envelope stuff): Edit: Next Thursday not this Thursday FFS fuck sake another week+ of this <facepalm> Edit2: <sectarianist alert> Next Thursday is the 12th July </sectarianist alert>
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-18692532
  12. So hang on........the current deal doesn't but you Cockwomble went and negotiated the new deals which required some entity called rangers to be in the league. So nobody loses money this season, in fact we make some more, and no clubs never mind 5 or 6 go bust. This effects the SFL not on iota, the spl clubs have a year to renegotiate the deals and cut their costs accordingly. Most clubs in the spl will have contingencies for relegation and a loss of all this money anyway. And if this isn't the case how do you guarantee Seveo promotion (well presumably by suddenly finding favour in a bigger top league I suppose) This was your financial armageddon? Fucking do one
  13. Meanwhile in real live football news:
  14. Where is an OMG shock horrow gif when you need one. Hopefully tomorrows meeting will be Cockwomble's last as SPL Chief Exec
  15. Chick Young 2002 http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/3251514.stm
  16. Well afc, motherwell and others have denied any knowledge of any of the proposals till they came out in the press this week. The Raith Chairmen also stated that they (and we) had been lied to by the "SFA and SPL"
  17. Don't see how they can let them in the 1st Div if they think they can't allow them in the SPL. As soon as this shite is done with Regan, Cockwomble and possibly Longmuir will have to fuck the fuck off.
  18. Eh whit? I got a text saying he said they wouldn't let them in the SPL. If they are not allowed in the SFL then they aren't allowed in any league surely?
  19. Raining after 6pts played so far today 7-5, 4-2 Murray
  20. New Documents been published on the Berwick Rangers website regarding the structure of any restructured of the leagues. Seems to change very little other than give even more power to the corrupt and contemptible spl and seems not to address any of the issues regarding fairness and democracy in Scottish Football far less the pandering to Rantic. I trust the SFL will tell the SPL to go fuck themselves: http://www.berwickrangers.org/sfl-newco-proposals/
  21. What happens if they take a sabbatical? Are we saying they then enter the SFL Div3 next yr? If so what happens in the interim, which league runs one team short? Or do we plan reorganisation for next season to allow NewCo in at some as yet unidentified level? Do they come back in a year and join the Juniors?
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