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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. ok bare with me. I'm about 20 pages behind having been out the country and internet free for over 2wks. So the Huns were/are being liquidated after the creditors told them to get to fuck. Several huns are now jumping ship to save their careers. UberCunt McCulloch, however is staying, cunt. United, Hibs and Hearts are all voting No. Well are putting it to their fans so will vote No. AFC seem to be edging toward no but for some reason are prevaricating about announcing this. So basically almost no chance the huns will be in the SPL. Dundee promoted?? From my facebook feed I see suggestions Rangers (or what ever they are now called) may get into the First Division, just how is that going to work? How are Rangers (deceased) fans taking all this? Has there been any lynchings, marches or Sandy Jardine rants that I've missed? Oh and what happened to the SFA punishment that got overturned by the Court of Session (or is that now academic as Rangers (deceased) no longer exist?? I dare say most answers are above somewhere but I'm a lazy fecker.
  2. It's been a while: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18362868
  3. https://www.facebook.com/NeilDoncasterIsACockwomble
  4. We have Austria (a) and Luxembourg (h) to play. Bulgaria have Luxembourg and Holland to play away Holland have Austria and Bulgaria at home and Lux away Table Team Played Points GD Scotland 6 10pts +5 Holland 5 10pts +5 Bulgaria 6 9pts +2 Austria 5 5pts 0 Lux 5 0pts -12
  5. Just checked Puts us top but have played a game more than the Dutch. Group winners and 4 best runners up qualify for a playoff with the 7 winners joining Israel in the 2013 Championships. edit just seen Jute's post, yir fucking kidding me!! Draws will fuck us up
  6. Jordon Rhodes just scored his second goal of the game, after 88mins to put Scotland U21s 2-1 in Bulgaria. Our very own Ryan Jack also features. Young Scots were 1-0 down at half time. Great win if they hang on and must have a chance of qualification
  7. I see rangers (ia) have finally handed over the relevant documents to cockwomble's enquiry into double contracts, just 3 months after being asked to. Wonder how many pages are missing or have been edited with photoshop??
  8. Thought it was only for last year as it was "sprung" on teams at short notice (which it wasn't). As far as I'm aware the tims haven't got permission to postpone their spl game yet. Apparently they have a chumps lge qualifier around the same time, flying half way round the world to get pumped seems like the perfect preparation.
  9. Not us but I see the Tims are at it again. They had an excuse last time as we started the season early and they fell asleep in the meeting, or had nipped out to the loo, or something when it had been discussed months before hand. What will their excuse be this time. Game scheduled for 2nd w/end of the season:
  10. The more things change, the more they stay the same: http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=fvY-AAAAIBAJ&sjid=aU0MAAAAIBAJ&pg=3550%2C2109541
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/18269245
  12. Coulson arrested and charged. Callmedave is in for a bit of a tough time. Jeremy Cunt is at Leverson tomorrow too. Now where is that popcorn gif?
  13. I may be wrong but is the BTC not included in the CVA as TBC. I think this proposals encompasses all debts including the BTC hence the predictions of between 2-9p in the £1. The only creditors that matter are HMRC and Ticketus, it is irrelevant whether the others vote for the cva or not, as even if they all agreed their % share of the debt is below 25%. The benefit of agreeing the cva is that if you believe the D&P figures it is a better deal than NewCo or out-right liquidation. It is up to HMRC and Ticketus whether they believe the figures but with the NewCo figure predicated on Green buying the assets for £5.5M and some other apparent cooking of the books according to RTC (which I don't really understand) I'm not sure they will accept them.
  14. What happened his gig in Clogland?
  15. In the SPL's defence they didn't have an option of a vote on excluding all newcos today as the cockwomble Doncaster didn't have them in his fair play proposals. The SPL did however vote down his bullshit 10pts and 75% prize money penalty for a Newco which I would take as a good sign. Any newco will now need 8 clubs to vote it through and with SPL chairmen getting more pissed off with the hubs by the day perhaps they will struggle to get sufficient support. Regardless it is an improvement on the previous plan of allowing Cockwomble and the SPL board to make the decision by themselves.
  16. So the fair play proposals were voted through? TBH seems fair enough as couldn't really argue with most of them, and if rangers are still in admin presumably they will be hit with a substantial points penalty. But no decision on any punishments, or otherwise, for a newco. To be decided on a case by case basis by the whole spl. Was always unlikely they would come out and say a categorical no to newco but at least they haven't said a newco will come in the regardless with virtually no penalty as they seemed to be suggesting before. EDIT: apparently there will now be a 8-4 vote on any newco entry. Can we count on 5 clubs opposing a Hun Newco? Ball is really in the SFAs court just now anyway
  17. Seems unlikely but how about this, taken from RTC:
  18. So more pressure on the sfa? The most likely option of a Scottish Cup ban could see the sfa taking the blame for scuppering the cva as apparently the cva is dependent on Rangers "participation in ALL competitions at the level they currently hold"
  19. So now being suggested the sfa do stipulate that any further appeal should be via CAS: Maverick to an extent I agree. This story isn't going to move anywhere fast. The signing ban was to a degree a "slap of the wrists" and the sfa will come up with a variation of this. The real issues are still a cva and the the btc/ebt/double contract nonsense. This judgement doesn't make more money available for a cva (although probably does make more money available for Green to run off with). It also certainly doesn't effect the btc/ebt/double contracts. The SPL are desperate to chase this into the long grass and a newco would have allowed them to quietly forget about it, but I can't see how they can't hold a fully enquiry into this. At the moment my understanding is they are just having a look (if rangers ever give them the paper work) to see if there is a potential case to answer and enough to warrant a full Independent Enquiry. I would think from what is in the public domain already that has to happen. Expect a decision sometime in 2014
  20. But then we all said that prior to the original hearing and then the appeal and rangers got slapped down with the embargo on each occasion. The judge today agreed that rangers were guilty but just felt that a signing embargo wasn't a punishment available to the Independent panel. I don't think it would be possible for the huns to be suspended or kicked out as the two sfa panels stated this was too severe, a ban from the cup for a year or two seems the most likely scenario but as the case is to go back to the same SFA Appeal panel that turned down the huns initial appeal could they disagree with the CoS and enforce the embargo anyway?
  21. Sorry just catching up with things so may have a couple more posts. From P&B FIFA Rules apparently state that clubs can't take their associations through the law courts which rangers have done. Regardless we had 2 senior judges, one on the original panel and another on the appeal panel, judging that a registration embargo was allowed. Now one other judge disagrees. Not sure how this is anyones fault despite lots of abuse being hurled at the sfa. In any case this doesn't solve either the lack of cash for a cva or the existence of the btc, ebts and double contracts. This is almost incidental in the scheme of things.....isn't it?
  22. Is this going to open up a whole other can of worms? I'm yet to hear any hun suggest what punishment they would deem fair, what do they expect, next years Sky money and a 10pt head start nexr year?. The SFA presumably now have an option of a bigger fine (what is the point), suspension of their licence (which they don't have anyway) or expulsion. I'm not sure you can blame the sfa, it was an independent panel including a high court judge that adjudicated on this. The only mistake was perhaps not stipulating that any further appeal must go via the Court of Arbitration in Sport (as uefa apparently stipulate) thus allowing the huns to run off to the Court of Session. So what next? D&P have another deadline to miss. CVA presumably turned down as it consists of two twix wrappers and a broxi bear costume. SPL finally to agree there is a prima facie case to answer re double contracts and go for the delaying option of a full independent investigation. UEFA, FIFA, IOC, FIA, PGA, WWE, WWF and RSPB all have their tuppenceworth to add SPL announce fixtures with rangers/a.n.other listed Scottish media tells us the world is going to end Nobody buys season tickets Billy Dodds writes a column retracting all the stuff he said that suggested rangers were cheating as we all thought all along Have I missed anything? Edit: apparently options available to the SFA are now: Also, they of course can't buy anyone anyway as their are still in Admin and will be till mid July even if the Green cva comes through
  23. http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=67524
  24. Court of Session ruling on the transfer embargo due at 3:30pm
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