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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

glasgow sheep

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Everything posted by glasgow sheep

  1. The NewCo would buy the ground (if they wanted to) and other assets as these would be sold of as part of the liquidation process to pay off as much of the debts as possible. I think.
  2. Hardly worth a thread you might think, happens all the time. Well this isn't just a couple of Stone Island-clad wannabes. This is all fans !
  3. Just listened to the preview on iTunes. Think I'll save my 79p
  4. And why is "Support Aberdeen" not an option. I don't support the fucking SPL!
  5. You're correct in a lot of what you say. The SFA are making slow, tentative steps in shaking up the league structure but given the self interest in the SPL and SFL it will take at least a decade to see the changes that are required, they should at least be applauded for making more changes in their Structure in the last year than they have in decades. The SFA are also holding an independent enquiry into the players registration at Rangers headed by a High Court Judge (I think) and they should be given an opportunity to report. It may well be difficult to prove they illegally registered players but if so proven I would expect at least a significant retrospective punishment (ie stripping of titles) if not current punishment and reassigning trophies Whatever the outcome of this I agree it would seem the best chance since the birth of the devil's spawn, which is the SPL, to shake things up. Perhaps our club isn't articulating that position in the press (although perhaps holding the deck to their chest is a better idea for now) but we need to let them know just how strongly we feel about this with an expectation that they consider these views as a board and take them to the SPL. Finally you haven't addressed the "what if" I started my post with. What if it is a CVA? What if the SFA and/or the HMRC can't/don't prove any illegal payments were made or players registered illegally? The SPL are now proposing much stricter punishments which should have been done before now, but despite how much we huff and puff there will be little more that can be done. Do you turn your back on Scottish Football then? I understand the sentiment but Rangers have enough control over Scottish Football without forcing me to abandon Aberdeen or the wider game.
  6. I would imagine so seeing as the (Scottish) Football Association don't have any "tiers" or leagues. As I said on the other thread they can't be demoted to the "bottom tier" as the the bottom tier of the SPL is the SPL. They either get kicked out or get let back in. Where they go if kicked out is up to them and other league associations.
  7. Right a few thoughts having listened to a bit of Sportsound and had a think about it. In the main the resolutions are a step forward, although there is a massive element of having allowed the horse to bolt. Harsher penalties for teams going into administration are welcome, especially the fact the relevant success of the team in the previous season is taken into account (if prev implemented Rangers would have been docked 31pts which would currently put them 6th) A player registration embargo for teams not paying PAYE and NI seems sensible (although the requirement of teams confessing to this seems strange) I also like the requirement for teams to pay their players on time. Perhaps a player registration embargo could be used here too, although there would to be a degree of flexibility (see Dunfermline last month) These are all good things. The big issue is obviously the limited punishment for any NewCo allowed back into the league, and on paper the penalties for this seem to be significantly less than for administration which is just bizarre and wrong. There are however a couple of questions I have, I'm not sure if anyone can help me out here: Sportsound suggested these resolutions don't change the fact that any NewCo would still need the approval of the SPL "Board" to get back into the SPL. Is this correct? Would a NewCo be excluded from Europe for the first 3 years? My understanding is that UEFA require ?3yrs of audited accounts for a club to be able to enter Europe. That along with 75% reduction in Prize Money would be a significant handicap If Rangers are still in Administration at the start of the season will they face a further points deduction? And if so what date counts as the new season? (with the proposed rules they could have 20+ pts deduction)
  8. My god what a jibbering twit he was on Sportsound tonight. I thought the SPL Resolutions were fairly straight forward but after 10mins of Richard Gordon correcting everything Chick Young said I gave up
  9. No interest in English or other leagues. Would still support Aberdeen. If I did turn my back on the spl I would probably watch Queen's or Pollok
  10. You would hope so. Certainly the message boards are almost unanimous on this. I would encourage everyone to lobby both afc but probably more importantly DST about this. If the fans of SPL clubs are to have any say it will be organisations like DST and The Arab Trust coming together to speak out against this. I suppose the fact that we have two separate leagues, spl and sfl, makes this more problematic. NewCo could be sent down a couple of divisions if we were all in one league. If NewCo however are kicked out of the SPL there is no where for them to go. The SPL is the 12 Clubs, therefore be definition they will be wanting to preserve the clubs. The whole thing will set a horrible precedent and destroy any remaining ideas of "Fair Play" in Scottish Football. I suspect I'll still watch Aberdeen (hell i'd watch them in the Highland League....now there's an idea) but many will not. Of course if any diddy team tries to liquidate to avoid massive debts a 75% cut in prize money and 10pt penalty will have a disproportionate effect on them compared to a the OF. These rules might be well in good in the a balanced equitable league but will spell disaster for the SPL surely.
  11. http://www.donstalk.co.uk/messageboard/index.php?topic=15317.0 Thought it deserved it's own thread, covering as it does the Rangers thread, the Major Reform thread and the spl are total cunts thread
  12. There is no suggestion that this was drawn up by the rebel 10. More like Topping and Doncaster (with help from Rangers admin?)
  13. Sorry to post more in response to myself but how about this for a scenario (stolen from P&B)
  14. In summary Rule 1: Much stricter points deduction if team goes into administration (bit late), would have seen rangers lose alot more points. Stable doors come to mind Rule 2A: 10pt deduction for 2 seasons if a team is liquidated and a NewCo formed. Simply not enough and I would hope that all fans of all spl clubs will be lobbying hard against this. This only needs an 8-4 vote to pass so unfortunately seems likely to succeed unless significant pressure is put on Rule 2B: 75% reduction in prize money for any NewCo. Presumably this is to sweeten the abortion of a rule that is 2A Rule 3: Seems to be targeted at Whyte Rule 4: Stable doors back again Rule 5: Arranging how RangersNewCo will get back in Rule 6: If you're not paying your players you better tell us.....or else! Rule 7: If you're not paying your taxes you better tell us......or we'll send the bogey man after you.
  15. http://www.scotprem.com/content/default.asp?page=s2&newsid=11256&back=home
  16. New Dons song out, at work so can't listen to it. Anyone listened to it? http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/duncan-guthrie-the-gulls/id517982921
  17. Just not sure the rest of the defence needs to be (or deserves to be shaken up) If he were to come in I would have him in instead of Reynolds. I suppose my other concern would be whether he could last 90mins never mind 120mins. As for formation, surely after Mizer's Braveheart-esque speech at the Roadshow, encouraging Brown to set out and "kill them", we'll see a 442 on Saturday
  18. A cup semi final is not the day to give Anderson his first start
  19. Consi just got a deal leg. Not sure that Fyvie has been any good this year and having been out for a few wks surely he has to start with Hughes. Re McArdle, he has been pretty impressive the last few wks and I'd probably give him a start at RB and keep the defence unchanged. If Jack does drop back to RB then presumably Fyvie will come in on the Right side of midfield
  20. Thought about that but think Hughes deserves his place on current form.
  21. What's everyone's pick for the Team on Saturday? I'd go for Brown McArdle Reynolds Consi Robertson Jack Hughes Arnason Megginson Vernon Mackie
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