Hi guys...I can confirm that Mizer and TheChimp most definitely DID find beer, and me! Suffering the day like, but the Hofbrauhaus is ace. Litre Steins of beer and an Oompah band. Canna beat it Off to the Olimpiastadion later if my mate gets his lazy arse out of bed. I also suspect more beer will be consumed. Oh well, mair suffering the morn...and I dinna just mean the match!
CD - Munchen correspondent
PS There's public use t'internet PCs here in our hostels, so I hinna gone out of the way top write this...And I hate German keyboards...the Z and Y are swapped aroond!
Let's just say that even the officials were bemused by the timing of the appeal...I am told that the Hamilton Secretary is well known it footballing circles for being a bit pedantic in checking team lines, etc for any problems. I suspect they were well aware of his ineligibility before kick off...
If Brechin got chucked, I think Hamilton would be reinstated and we'd play them. Chances are it'll be replayed again. Confirmation on Aberdeen-Mad that Paton was NOT at Brechin for the original date of the tie, so would NOT be eligible for replays/rescheduled fixtures.
Brechin not guaranteed yet - My post from Aberdeen-Mad:
Just back from the Brechin game. Cracking cup tie, brilliant, exciting game and end to end. 2 cracking goals from the Glebe Park side...BUT...Brcehin played Richard Paton tonight, signed from us. Apprently, he wasn't signed in time for the original tie, so may actually be cup tied for the original and any rearranged games. Hamilton didn't play Simon Mensing tonight for just that reason. After they lost, the Hamilton secretary came in to the referees room and informed him that they are appealing the result due to an ineligible player. May go to a fine, a replay or even Brechin to be chucked from this year's competition.
Finally got booked up this week. £133 - fly Aberdeen to Munich and on the way back, train to Frankfurt and fly Frankfurt to Aberdeen. Of course, it seriously helps if your mate goes to every Scotland away match and has more BA miles than he knows what to do with...
Dear god no. That is horrendous. Have you seen it when Arsenal do it? "Ed..." "Uardo"! "Gil..." "Berto"! Bloody shocking. It's just embarrassing really.
We won 9 straight games at Pittodrie under Ebbe that season, the last being the famous Snowball Game v the Tims as already mentioned. We then lost to fucking Livingston (as seemed to be usual)
Just got back half an hour ago. The flare stuff started just as I got to the area. Crazy. The Atletico fans that were beside us at the time were saying it was Real casuals kicking off. Got a photo of a Scooter on fire there. Apart from throwing the flares, didnae think there was that much in it. Atmosphere was a bit hostile right enough though, with stuff getting lobbed at us from the open balconies above where you went in to the ground, but after, we ended up in a bar right outside the ground drinking with some of the Madrid fans and had a fanstastic night.
Ya wish! Just home from the Shed Seven gig and Rick Witter's DJ set at Drummonds. Fantastic. And it's off to Madrid the morn! WOOHOO! Actually, the day now... :thumbsup: