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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Craig_don

  1. Dinna leave God' Own City till 8 tomorrow morning to head to Glasgow. Still, Shed Seven gig tonight the Madrid tomorrow night. Canna beat it!
  2. Then I hope you're sending that from the airport or ye've missed check-in!
  3. They do. You just didn't read it right.
  4. The Irish wnakers that used to host the site have refused to release the donstalk.co.uk domain so it's gone down. Unfortuantely, that means we are, temporarily, stuck with the zakynthos address as the only means of accessing the site right now.
  5. I thought it was a dive at the time (I was in SS Sec T, near the front), but having seen the replays i'm not so sure. Mind you, considering how many diving bastards have cheated pens out of us in recent years, maybe it's a case of swings and roundabouts going FOR us for a change.
  6. Petrovsdiscoshoes is a reference of some kind to Martin Petrov, now Man City, but was at Atletic last year. However, the guy is clearly an OF fan if you read his posts and Reekie jumped to the conclusion of Petrov-Stilian and assumed he was a Tim. If you read some of his posts, however, you'll realise he IS a Hun.
  7. I seem to remember the club heralding our home tie with Hertha as our 100th European tie. However, according to UEFA.com, we've only played 99 matches in Europe. Fits gan on?
  8. I'm not taking ANY moral high ground, i'm taking the my team that I support canna afford fines because of breaches of obvious (if debateable) rules ground. And although I didnae see the flare myself, i'll assume it was the same as the ones in Berlin. The point here is...if UEFA dinna want them there AND it'll cost the club money each time they ARE there, then they jist shouldnae be there, full stop. Nae morality, jist common sense. If it hurts the team, DINNA DAE IT!
  9. Time for a few boys and a crowbar to take a trip to Oirland methinks...
  10. The guy's a hun, if you read other threads...and there's more than one Petrov in the world...remind me, which team did Man City's winger MARTIN Petrov come from again?...
  11. No, they prefer people NOT to bring items into the stadium that have killed fans in the past. No really. that's fit the guy said on north Tonight earlier.
  12. Actually Reekie, his timestamp is showing as 05:57:45 PM tae me.
  13. An alternate point of view is somebody knowingly breaks the law and it's the CLUB who's going to have to pay. Whatever he did with the flare, it's ILLEGAL to have one inside a ground. If you get club, it's not you who has to pay a shit load of cash, it's the club you "support".
  14. I may need to pick and choose matches a wee bit... Not going to the Scotland games, so nae too much hassle there and the only away game I can afford jist noo is Madrid, so I think i'll just aboot survive
  15. Everything booked! Flights from the Weej to Madrid (ABZ and Edinburgh too dear now) and hotel for 2 nights. OH YEAH! Even better, I have a Karting night out the day we get back and the Kings Of Leon gig the day after. Now THAT is a week.
  16. There's nothing wrang wi' Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Men!
  17. Bloody hell, now i've seen everything! A reasonably positive post fae kelt!
  18. Kninda made up for by the 4 hours of free booze and full 3 course Pre-Match meal really...
  19. EE Story: Craig Group withdraw corporate sponsorship due to "a row over service" REAL Story: Douglas Craig abused some of the Sodexho staff during a match so Pittodrie told the ignorant twat to take himself and his money tae fuck
  20. I believe it is.
  21. The crowd is about what the Jambo crowds were last season. The club will have budgeted for that so there is no problem here. Usually a club will budget for average crowds and getting papped oot o the cups in the first round so a good cup run or bigger crowd is a BONUS, not a REQUIREMENT to running successfully. If you honestly think that Pittodrie is budgeting for crowds of 15-16,000 or summat like that, then I have a picture of one of your relatives...
  22. My thought is what the fuck does it matter? With the exception of the OF, the crowds are ALWAYS the same give or take. Why are people obssesed with how many people can be bothered to turn up? With the footy we've played so far, we're lucky ANYONE is turning up.
  23. Drums? FFS...they were bad enough when they Livi twats had there een... EDITED to say, i'm not slagging off the Ultras here...I think you guys do a great job, but megaphones and drums? Just go the whe whole hog and pipe crowd noise through the bloody PA system.
  24. "Football for fans not corporates" RU making a demonstration over some of the pish Pittodrie have been coming out with lately making excuses for banning the displays (which they seem quite happy to use pics of in their own ad material you'll notice)
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