If the club granted him a testimonial i wouldn't wish to deny him of that, please do not think that.
The thing that gets me is the readiness of certain fans to excuse this guy of a decade of incompetence due to 2 goals apparently - I'm assuming the other is the SC goal at Parkhead, which came within a year or so of the other. So he had how many years of doing nothing worthy for us?
I'm not one of these fans who hates Mackie. I came to accept he'd be with us for a long time some years ago. I just can not pretend he's anything other than shite. He isn't the modern day equivalent of John Hewitt, he isn't even the modern day equivalent of Steve Cowan. Some folk seem to think it makes them better fans if they give old Barren their unreserved backing.. it doesn't. It just makes them look stupid. He plays for Aberdeen so I'll support him, but i'll never pretend he's anything other than what he actually is. Good luck to the guy, he's lived my dream, but i'm not going to kid on he's anything other than what he is.