I sent McGhee a message of support after the spitting incident. I think you are being patronising mizer, referring to these messages of support as "send Mark a love letter"
I'm far from delusional. Surely you were appalled at an apparent Aberdeen fan spitting on McGhee? As much as JC was derided by many, no-one ever spat on him.
McGhee can only urinate with the penis(es) he has inherited, and by recent reports some seem hell bent on spitting the dummy. I acknowledge his signings haven't been good; Ifil (I blame those at Hull ) , Grassi, never been same since facial injury and think even I could do better! MacLean and Paterson good loan deals, former especially intelligent play. Nae surprised to read we can't afford to keep them, especially after £20K wasn't available for JOB.