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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by vanderark14

  1. oh well i must not know football. get aff yer high horse, others are allowed an opinion
  2. any of the ones highlighted above would be fine by me
  3. certainly dont want a return to the Ebbe days but i do think some have a point about the Loko game. they werent near as good as what was made out and we could have taken them. dont think i've heard anyone say we could have taken Atletico. It hought they always looked like they could step it up at anytime. 3 nil did flatter Pana and we might have sneeked a draw.
  4. both are just important for me. Diamond, Nicholson and Lee Miller make up the most important at present for the dons and would be my first 3 names on the team sheet.
  5. yep this is great news but why do you have to mention AFC-CHAT everytime you post. we get it you dont like it
  6. ok i'll give you that one
  7. its funny once and boring when repeated. not having a go by the way. i post on all 3 dons sites and have no problem with any of them
  8. aye we get it some of us didnt know they were injured
  9. didnt jimmy calderwood also say that Jamie Langfield didnt have a future at the club. i'll wait and see which players run out of the tunnel on saturday
  10. unfortunateky booing him off is the only way to let them know you are not happy with their performances. Seve shouldnt get a game tomorrow after touzani played very well. he will have to earn his place. we know he is a good midfielder but he doesnt show this often enough
  11. i was told diamond was fine
  12. drop mair for diamond. drop deek young for JDV (only to give young a break) other than that i would keep the same side. if seve walks back in i wont be happy
  13. a greater proportion of the domestic tv money goea to whoever finshes in the top 2 as for relative success and poor support. i blame sky.
  14. i think it would help. just look at hibs. we have finished above them the lst 2 season and yet its a media wankathon and they pull in the crowds because they apparently play brazil1970 football
  15. "Folk getting to watch the cream of European fitbaw on the box has left a whole generation thinking this is how fitbaw always is, and swallowing the big Sky Sports marketing ploy that is the premiership. Wasn't it John Lydon who said, ever get the feeling you've been had? And being asked £23 to watch the likes of St Mirren and Gretna is too much. Hertha Berlin was 7 euros or so to get in. I know most of the stadiums in certain countries abroad are owned by the toon cooncil but we pay far too much" took this post from elsewhere as i totally agree this is major factor in decreasing attaendances everywhere. the media is also a powerful tool used by hearts and hibs. Hearts - Romanov has them beleiving they will win the in 5 years (only 2 to go) Hibs - the media seem to have a massive erection for them yet they took a complete dooing from us on saturday we dont use the media very well, either that or they just plain dont like us dons
  16. all the more dandies then. 20000 dandies roaring their team all the way to the knockout phase
  17. and whats wrong with people jumping on the band wagon. it happens at every football club. deaal with it
  18. well i was number 7 now i'm 12.
  19. i've been que number 7 for half an hour now. i'm going to go mental when i get through
  20. you tell em madbad. i wont make excuses. i dont always go because i A) cant be fucking arsed B) have something else on C) want to get pissed in the pub with mates who dont go to football.
  21. the phone line is a joke. i have a ticket but i'm trying to get for a mate.
  22. Tottenham or Bayern for me. we watched everton already this season
  23. dont htink we should ask. make the huns look stupid for askin in the 1st place by publicly stating that AFC are a team of proffessionals that can handle playing 2 games in 4 days
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