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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Superstar Tradesman

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Everything posted by Superstar Tradesman

  1. Have to admit I wasn't sure it was him but given his track record I was pretty sure it was. Seem to remember Ebbe did actually have the funds to put a squad together.
  2. First off don't presume anything. Unless it's written in stone that AFC will have facilities there to increase revenue then I'd say we'll get the use of it on match days and whenever we're training. Any other time it'll be the Council's stadium and they'll be looking to coin it in. Anyway, what would these other revenue streams be? People keep posting things like "gyms, hotels, shops, etc" but who exactly is going to run a hotel there? The Council? AFC? If anything they may have office space or units within the stadium to rent out or perhaps conference rooms you could hire for meetings or courses but do you honestly think AFC would see any of that money?
  3. For the same reasons you rate the man, I have to say that's where I found him to be lacking somewhat. Results under him were just too inconsistant. Sure he got us in Europe, 2 cup finals, 4th place finish and the 9 in a row at home. But we were also beaten 5(?) times in one season by Livi, regularly clocked up cricket score defeats against Celtic and arguably did the worst piece of business in football when he swapped Billy Dodds plus cash for Robbie Winters. We do however agree he was a funny guy and we all remember his witty remarks after games. Let's face it, you'd have to have a sense of humour to sign Ben Thornley.
  4. Don't want to be putting any negative vibes across in this thread but what exactly are you basing that on?
  5. Says a lot about Miller if he's been picked out as the best man on the park when McGhee scored a hatrick!
  6. That's just a red herring. Where are AFC going to get more cash to build more 'things' for the other revenue streams after ploughing all their money into the stadium and clearing the debt?
  7. I'm confused. Are you telling me Darren Mackie scores 7.8 goals per game and Chris Clark scores 16.8?
  8. We call him Stoney for a week.
  9. Agree to a certain degree Big Al but come kick-off time, no matter what's going on off the field, you should be 100% behind your team for the full 90 minutes. I very much doubt anyone will give the contracts a second thought until the final whistle.
  10. Bravo!
  11. In a Capslock stylie: LOAD OF PISH .
  12. No he's not. But either are the powers that be in Aberdeen. Rail links, monorails, undergrounds, trams, hotels, shops, gyms, blah, blah, blah..... my arse. I fully agree with Jager and his views that nothing other than a stadium will be built. Don't think for one minute that the 'club' are choosing this site for the good of the club or the fans. The directors will be choosing this in the name of the club but for their own reasons.
  13. I just think removing the club from the public eye is a bad move and if they're wanting a community stadium then it should be placed slap bang in the middle of it. I couldn't give a toss if it's down at the beach per se but I still think it should be in town somewhere. There's just nothing that beats the buzz of a big game when you're walking through town, all heading in the same direction. You can't see the stadium then you turn the corner and BANG! there it is. That'll be lost if everyone is heading out of town, via various routes stuck in the back of a car.
  14. So no parking at Cove then? They could charge what they like for parking and if it puts people off driving (which it won't) then they'll profit from the public transport. It's not like they'll be raking it in from golf fees as it is at the moment anyway. There's plenty room down the beach to move the course further north. You've got that great big bit of land which people currently use to fly kites for a start.
  15. Parking is a nightmare.... at Pittodrie. But we're talking about doing away with a golf course and the last time I looked you couldn't fit 18 holes inside a football stadium. Build a big fuck off car park alongside the stadium - job done. Woolies, MFI & Virgin Cinemas have all managed to do so down the beach so I'm guessing someone with the technical nous to build a stadium, might manage to steam roll a couple acres of tarmac.
  16. I didn't want to reveal what my "reliable source" from "within Pittodrie" had told me.
  17. We've got to remember this all came from the reliable source that is Aberdeen Journals. Miller probably walked into the dressing room after the game supping his champagne and saying "scored one, set one up and man of the match". JC then said "aye but your set-up play was shite". It's hardly a dressing room kiss and tell or a Roy Keane type moment of madness. Miller will have been called a lot worse and by his own fans.
  18. Maybe. But then you're not the manager and if like you suggest he's just mouthing off for the sake of it then he'd have done it to the whole squad and not just a select few. Personally Miller looks like he's the type that needs to be reminded to keep his feet on the ground and work hard (wasn't too long ago he was being lambasted for strutting around the park producing fuck all). Seve on the otherhand seems to be fairly quiet and looks like he could be a wee sulk if someone had a pop. Clark, well, he'd probably greet. Let's just see how he responds before yet another pop at the manager because if he can't tell the players they're not performing, then who can?
  19. But they have highlighted two possible sites for the stadium so why are you so keen on it not being down the beach? If you're taking the stance that it's too expensive then I'd argue that it isn't going to make much difference. The council don't need to buy the land, it's theirs and they're not going to sell one off instead of the other to the highest bidder to build houses on. As for the traffic side of things; I can't remember sitting in a car for any longer than 1/2 an hour after a game at worst. The Kings Links site could easily be accessed from the beach side away from residential areas and there's room on that road to become a dual carriageway. I say we fight for it to be down the beach and at worst we've got a shiny new stadium out the road. Why settle for second best?
  20. This has all stemmed because some eejit thought it would be wise to tell us all about the £1.4m available to spend on the team.
  21. Agree with all of that. But you're missing the point that places in town be that watering holes, eateries, corner shops, bookies, taxi firms, etc.... will all lose the trade of these fans. How can that be seen as a benefit the community? Why should we do what thousands of other fans do? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. They're looking to build a community stadium. All this talk of shops, hotels, offices, gyms, restaurants, swimming pools, etc, etc.... what's all that for exactly? To rake in more money? People flock to the AECC for gigs and everyone is in agreement it's shite for acoustics, way out the road to get to, nightmare for getting a taxi back and unless you live in the Bridge of Don it's not walkable. If they build a multi-purpose stadium, one which can hold various sporting and music events then you're already onto a winner. The money will flood in and you won't need all that other shit, which won't be owned by the council anyway. The beach is already recognised as a place for various facilities and very much geared towards families. Why not improve on that further and then you'll have more people using any improved transport links every day of the week rather than once a fortnight.
  22. Yeah he was actually. Dunfermline wanted him. When JC was in charge.
  23. A new golf course, a community stadium, a bypass AND a cross-rail thingy? We'll have evolved wings and took flight by the time that all gets built so we won't have any need for trains.
  24. You was going well until the last paragraph... You should structure a business around it's paying customers. Why should someone else get a shotty? (that comment may have been tongue in cheek) Who cares where these people travel from in the country, it's a community stadium. If they've came x hundred miles then a few more isn't going to stop them. Whereas the alternative for the town's folk is 'out of sight, out of mind'.
  25. You want me to bring up the Madrid ticket saga?
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