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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Superstar Tradesman

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Everything posted by Superstar Tradesman

  1. You're not allowed to post any interesting life experiences on here or folk stuck on rigs in Muslim shitholes get upset and ruin the thread. It's best all round if you stick to posting about what type of animal's scrotum they're serving there for lunch or what type of soooooped up Scoobiez you drives looool bro. So what's everyone driving/eating for lunch these days?
  2. I blame with the players.
  3. All those decades of cost cutting have obviously paid off. What we should do is build a £20m stadium out of town that nobody wants. That'll solve it.
  4. Maybe he's just interested to hear what happened? Crazy notion, I know.
  5. Looked like the finished article to me. Why the June 2013 release date?
  6. It wasn't just about the gadgets though, there were the 'cool' espionage 'tricks' like sticking a hair across a door to see if it had been opened, writing secret messages on mirrors that would be revealed when the hot tap was turned on, or killing a snake with a cigar and deoderant spray that made Bond a cut above the rest. Without that shiznit he's just John MacLean in a suit, minus the banter. As someone else said earlier; 'it's trying too hard to be other films'.
  7. Phew! Thank fuck that Romney whacko didn't get near it. Now America can get back to spending gazillions on losing the war on drugs, chasing bogeymen in far off countries, invading sandpits for oil and playing world police whilst folk at home starve coz there ain't no jobs.
  8. Went to see Bond last night: That's 3 films Daniel Craig has been in now and 3 films that seem to have been setting the scene. Wish they'd just get on with it. Gone are the cheesy one liners, "We don't do exploding pens", they've explained why Bond doesn't fall for these women, where he grew up, how he got into MI6, Miss Moneypenny, M, Q........ blah, blah, blah. None of which I really care about, even less so that Bond isn't sure of himself, thinks he's passed it and all that shite. They could have covered all that guff in the first film. I just want to see him killing baddies with frisbee bowler hats and well, exploding pens.
  9. Spoiler:- Just kidding.
  10. The SPL Celtic need Rangers Sevco Newco.
  11. Wouldn't bother me one bit if he signed for my club and wanted to upset Hibs fans or anyone else for that matter. Knee-jerk reactions from just about ever fan because of this. Job done for Skacel. Football fans should just top going to games if it upsets them this much. Poor wee lambs.
  12. Never wanted it out there in the first place.
  13. You can blame Road Sense all you like but this part here is where I'd be laying the blame:
  14. You had me there.
  15. Just back from Warsaw. Loved it. Dunno what I was expecting? More Eastern block like a lot of other German or Polish cities that I've visited that were once under Commie-rule. Great place to get seshed, seems most places are open 24 hours. The bar across from our apartment was called Non-Stop, which pretty much summed up the city. Needless to say I never made the Rising Museum or Gestapo HQ due to staggering home at 8am three nights on the trot.
  16. Our national team is propping up the table for a competition that will see us fail to qualify for a major tournament in over two decades. One of the biggest clubs in our domestic league was cheating for years and has now hit the skids. Another one is failing to pay its players their wages. Gates are at an all time low. Pundits and fans moan about the state of the game week in, week out. What will it take for the powers that be to do something about it? Have we already passed the point of no return? Does anyone give a shit?
  17. Did they go fast?
  18. Wonder if he's still over the moon about leaving Aberdeen.
  19. Ony eese min? Currently listening to Ghostpoet - Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam
  20. I've been hearing good things about a festival up in Iceland called Airwaves, 31st Oct - 4th Nov. It's sold out this year but I fancy checking it out if I'm about next year.
  21. St Petersburg > Tallinn > Prague
  22. Can't wait til the administrators move into AFC and liquidate us so that we can start signing some £1m players.
  23. I'm also heading to Bali and KL after the Singapore Grand Prix. I don't have any pictures of those yet but it should give you sad-sacks something to do whilst autumn takes hold and the dark nights draw in. BOOM! That was the sound of my Visa bill hitting the Welcome mat. Dave_min, what's your favourite Eastern European city?
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