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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Superstar Tradesman

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Everything posted by Superstar Tradesman

  1. The panic over which currency they'll use in Scotland if the Yes vote wins is really short sighted IMO opinion. Surely being in charge of how that currency is taxed and redistributed is far more important than what it looks like?
  2. It'll look lovely with a pair of white boots, a snood and an alice band to accessorize. :mizersmilie:
  3. Egon but not forgotten.
  4. The lucky winner presented the bike on the pitch after the win?
  5. I don't see what the fuss is about? If we vote No then The Bank of England will govern the pound regardless. If we vote Yes and keep the pound then The Bank of England will govern the pound. What's the difference?
  6. Haha, that's tickled me that has.
  7. That's fuckin brilliant.
  8. Vienna I found pretty boring too. Zagreb is crap but the rest of Croatia is well worth a visit.
  9. Congrats min. That must be a weight off your shoulders.
  10. I bought a map of Europe and stuck pins in the places I wanted to visit. I then planned a route and figured out roughly how long I'd be in each place so I kinda knew dates. That said I never bought tickets as I wanted to be able to chop and change en route. Plus I didn't want that feeling of having to be somewhere at a certain time. I also aimed to visit big cities at the weekends since there would be more going on and then chilled out in smaller towns during the week. If you do all that then I suppose you could then go online and check out prices for tickets, search for deals and pre-book.
  11. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/early-doors/four-players-banned-women-national-team-failing-gender-152750526.html
  12. Wasn't aware that Lennon could write. Well done him.
  13. Aye, piece of piss. Although I never bought the inter-railing ticket. Can't remember why, possibly because there were too many constraints for my proposed journey. I just turned up at the stations and bought a ticket as I went.
  14. Funnily enough that was the only gripe (if I'm going to be extremely picky) where I thought we showed we were a little naive. Final minutes of the game we were chasing a third goal when we could have just held it up or ran it into the corners just to run the clock down and frustrate them.
  15. There was a 10 minute spell around the 70 minute mark where Lennon was changing things to throw the kitchen sink at us. It was obvious that they were coming back into it and we were beginning to lose our dominance, we were desperate for a change at this point. Got to say I was shocked, stunned and amazed when that change was bringing on a striker. Would have been easy to shore things up and throw on a defender or midfielder to protect the lead. A real message of intent there. Take a bow son.
  16. Never heard of him before and not sure if he's already been mentioned in this thread, but I watched a Jim Jeffries dvd at the weekend and near laughed my cock off. Highly recommend.
  17. Best place to watch this on t'interweb?
  18. Warpaint - Warpaint Polica - Shulamith
  19. Agreed.
  20. Available? He been found out at Turra? All jokes aside, how's he getting on there?
  21. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A BIKE!! I've been saying "stick a roof over" it for years. ST full backing granted.
  22. Exactly. I have friends and family that can't see past Aberdeen or the North East of Scotland and love it there. I just never felt settled. In fact I feel more settled somewhere that I know I'll not live permanently than 'stuck' in a house in Aberdeen for the rest of my days. I always found it weird that my friends and family can be so content, constantly living indoors, complaining about the weather with very little outlets for pleasure that doesn't revolve around drink. Although I'm sure I'm just as weird wanting to live so far from friends, family and the comfort zone that comes from living back home. One thing is for sure though, I'm glad I'll never have that 'what if' question rolling around my head. You can always go back. Although I doubt I ever will. It almost feels like stepping back in time whenever I visit Aberdeen nowadays. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Gee3THtb8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Living abroad just feels like one long holiday. But each to their own.
  23. This arguement really gets my goat. All the answers will never be given before the YES/NO vote comes around, regardless of how long we postpone it. Answer the currency one and then there'll be a hundred more off the back of it. Vote YES now, then there'll be plenty opportunities for you to decide in which direction your country heads thereafter. To get back on topic... I moved out of the UK for two reasons; boredom and the weather. If I had to chose one it would be the weather, which by and large led me to being bored most of the time. You can't plan anything in the UK, like a bbq for instance as you'll just end up with 20 folk in your kitchen whilst you and a mate are outside with an umbrella cooking steaks in the rain. Nice day outside, phone your mate, agree to meet up at the golf course and by the time you get there it's pissing down. Knee-deep in snow, get up at the crack of dawn, head to Glen Shee and you can't get up the road coz they've closed the road. Constantly fucking sucks. So I'd spend my whole year saving and booking weekenders or a week or two in the sun as often as I could, before coming back to a weekly rotation of work-tv-sleep-work-tv-sleep-work-tv-sleep....... That's not living life, that's just a slow, comfortable death as far as I'm concerned. Check your Facebook updates from friends and family in the UK and it's filled with posts about what's on the tv. That's about as interesting as life gets there. One thing I've noticed about living outside of the UK is that I don't need to own so much 'stuff'. At first I thought it was because of my transient nature, that I'd best not accumulate so much shit as I might have to pack it up and move on some day. But I've grown to realise that I don't need so much 'stuff' to keep me 'happy'. Back home I collected cars, I had both a Playstation and an Xbox just to settle that arguement, the latest iPhone the minute it came out, wardrobes full of clothes, more shoes and trainers than Imelda Marcos. Here I walk everywhere, take public transport, could fit my clothes into a couple suitcases, I only buy what I actually need and without doubt I feel like I have so much more. Right, that's lunchtime, I'm away to sit outside and grab a bite to eat.
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