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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Garlogie_Granite

  1. There will be plenty from Westhill area walking. I doubt there are thousands walk to Pittodrie, you have to exclude those who drive/bus and then walk from your surmisings.
  2. Aw Claudia, thank you for your concern. I'm sure this is a common feeling amongst the westhill settlers, that locals are all inbred weirdos. Garlogie is 3 miles from you, I realise you've probably never been west of Mason Lodge for fear of being attacked by injuns, but actually we're just like you (except, ye ken, local) Funny thing is, did you see footage of your protest yesterday? Their's your true sados, happy to fuck up the future of our club, your club, and the chance for Westhill youngsters to have world class facilities on their doorstep.
  3. Absolutely laughable, clear from the pictures there was well less than 100
  4. The W.A.N.K.S. out in *force* today. Less than a 100 of them there to spew their nonsense at the councillors. Shambolic people.
  5. Apparently car names for this dude
  6. Well he shouldn't. I'm not sure I agree that he even does, but he just comes across as a clueless twat when he gets 'controversial' I would however agree with this totally.
  7. Michael Stewart is the best pundit in the UK, he'd be on megabucks if he was in guffland, the poor cunt. It has to be said as well, that since BBC got rid of jabba, their fitba coverage has come on superbly, from kicking off with the always fair Cosgrove & fat well cunt, thru Richard Gordon, to their punditry of Stewart, Willie, yes even Steven Thompson and Tom English. And the continual digs at chiko is always worth a chuckle, I bet he is fucking beelin most of the time the little baldy ginger prick.
  8. No the application is as a single development. If the worst happens and the stadium is rejected, I don't want the training facilities anywhere near Westhill, these cunts should in no way gain any direct benefit from AFC after this, and I hope the club sees the same. What the anti-mob amongst fans seem to be missing, is that there is nowhere else. You can greet all you want, but it's not going to be Pittodrie redeveloped, and you run the real risk of this now going outwith the city and into Aberdeenshire. It was mooted long ago that Wiggy had dibs on land near Portlethen that was a fall back option. Obviously the fact it's out of the city is why not much has been made of this, but this looks awfully like the last chance to keep the stadium within the toon
  9. From the Pigs facebook page HEARTS VS ABERDEEN FAN ADVICE Just another friendly reminder to all fans attending the Hearts vs Aberdeen match at Murrayfield on Saturday that police will have an appropriate presence at the stadium to ensure alcohol, flares and fireworks are not brought into the stadium. Please also remember that if you are considered to be too drunk, you will not be permitted entry to the match. As we previously said, visiting fans should be aware that direct trains from Aberdeen to Edinburgh will stop at Haymarket train station. You should then make your way west along Haymarket Terrace and West Coates, onto Roseburn Terrace and Corstorphine Road towards the stadium. Aberdeen supporters will be directed to the North turnstiles, next to Murrayfield ice rink. Other trains from the north may stop at Edinburgh Gateway and fans can disembark here and take a tram to the Balgreen tram stop. The Murrayfield and Roseburn areas are a ten-minute walk from this tram stop and there are a number of public houses and shops in this area. We hope everyone has a great time and that football is the winner at the end of the day.
  10. Wow. How dare Aberdeen FC not have plans for community facilities that are not football related. Are these guys for real? Also.."Westdyke football club are fully supportive of your plans. However we have received information to the contrary – that the views of Graeme Burnett and the Committee are not necessarily representative of the whole club. There are many families with connections to the Westdyke Club that are opposed to the plans, and we believe no canvassing of opinions for Kingsford was sought from the volunteer coaching staff, players or indeed parents of the players. " Now, as far as I believe, there's been no official letter of support to the council from Westdyke, however "Westhill Scouts" have put in an official letter of complaint, despite the exact same accusation being leveled at them. Desperate indeed
  11. Nope, I got nothing
  12. Roads are dualled all the way to Kingsford and up to the entrance of Westhill itself. Who will be travelling these back roads? Which roads do you mean? And on match days king street definitely can't cope with traffic, the Parkway can;t cope with concert traffic, never mind football traffic. Anyone coming from the north will join the AWPR at Foveran, or if A96 corridor at Craibstone. Their journeys will be considerably better. Most in the city will have it easier going toi Kingsford. I was in summer street last night at 4.40, I was at tesco Westhill by 4.55. Less traffic on a football day than rush hour. Meanwhile leaving pittodrie from my usual east end pitch parking spot, I'm lucky to be across king street in those same 15 minutes.
  13. Nonsense. people going to Alford way, Tarland way, or Raemoir/Royal Deeside way, will still head west, of course with a half hour+ start on Pittodrie/AECC site. How many will head all the way to Kingswells roundabout? Anyone going north/north west/south will be on the AWPR. Anyone heading to Dyce/Bucksburn/BoDon will get on AWPR. Anyone heading to kincorth/Cove/Portlethen/Torry will get onto AWPR.
  14. If Labour ever get into power http://www.gamingintelligence.com/legal/44356-labour-pledges-to-ban-football-shirt-sponsorship-by-betting-companies?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%20News%20Review%20060917&utm_content=Daily%20News%20Review%20060917+CID_20c70c2f0debcd4a798e5df6e3bcf373&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20more
  15. Turf min. It'll be rolled oot ready grown and ready for mowing.
  16. You can drive the proverbial coach & horses through the LDP if it's in the greater national/regional interest - which this clearly is.
  17. oh ffs Wiggy, I want a refund !!!
  18. hate to tell you, but you're bottom of page 40
  19. 10/1 Slovakia. I've lobbed a couple quid on, after the optimism of Friday, I expect being Scottish to come back and bite us on the arse
  20. Totally agree, just more pandering to the cheeks, as a pre-cursor to them wanting to field reserves in the Scottish League. Shocking idea that's hopefully going to get binned.
  21. I just wish Farts had had the foresight to make this £15 and go for a huge crowd Still be a tremendous crowd, and not surprised if we finish selling over 7500.
  22. it was already pishing it doon, would have been an empty gesture
  23. So, very well attended, 320 they thought, how many undercover agents other than myself among those though, who knows? Meeting chaired by Alastair McKelvie, also in attendance the other three councillors for ward 13, and Burnett & Rumbles, the MSPs for the area. Guy from TV and a guy from the P&J/EE. McKelvie lead off with his comments, points against: • Green Belt – we’ve heard all this one before • Big Buildings – didn’t catch his point as he kept moving away from the mic • Noise – apparently the noise from a Dons game is horrendous. Clearly never been near Pittodrie in his life • Air Quality - now I’m sorry, but what? Apparently the stadium will have a negative effect on the area. He didn’t explain how cars moving directly onto dual carriageways and away rather than being gridlocked on King Street and surrounds would increase this pollution, seems utterly perverse. We then moved on to some of the NKS committee • The reason for Kingsford is co-location of stadium and training facilities, NKS feel there’s no need as plenty of other clubs (most) don’t do this. They of course fail to point out this is because traditionally stadiums were hemmed in in city centres and simply couldn’t do this. This is a progressive modern development where clearly it is preferable that they are co-located • This will lead to Prime 4 being granted change of use and developed, and houses on the other side of the road, leading to full development between Kingswells and Westhill Lady who used to work for SEPA took the stage • Noise – again • Fan Zone noise – apparently this will also be deafening and go on for four hours before hand and two hours afterwards • There are otters, deer and 42 species of birds fly overhead. Next up is the traffic “expert” • Parking – there will be yellow lines everywhere, but fans will ignore them because there will be no traffic wardens and police will be too busy to bother about parking violations • AWPR – This was the best bit, apparently “it only goes north/ south, what about people coming from the tyrebagger” – well Mr, they will join the AWPR at Craibstone and pop right across from there, they sure won’t come through tyrebagger woods unless they’re mintal. “And what about Banchory, Alford etc” – seemingly forgetting that these people all already come through Westhill for a home game. His points here were laughable • He then moved onto Arnhall parking, where there are currently 600 places sorted, but “how will fans cross a busy dual carriageway?”. He then brings up a picture of a footbridge the likes of which you see up and down the country. This was hysterical to the assembled crowd. Easily amused, you can understand Mrs Browns Boys popularity after this. Diane Reid is next to speak talking about the legal issues • NKS have reserved Gillespie MacAndrew from Edinburgh as their advocates, they have history of blocking a similar development in St Andrews. • Costs will likely amount to £60k if they have to appeal a successful planning application for the stadium. So far they have £5k raised • They are looking for “loans” and pledges from the crowd, and everyone received a leaflet on leaving • The P&J has been very biased she adds to her piece • There is a site visit at 2pm on Sept 11th from the city councillors, they plan a protest Questions and statements from the floor • It was pointed out not getting many is worse than no protest at all, they plan big numbers • If Dons lose and appeal, they will re-appeal • There seem to be concerns (from the club) that the ground could be contaminated, hence why machinery has been seen drilling in the fields • Question about concerts – apparently there was an outdoor wedding in the area last year and some poor woman could hear it in Kingswells • KCC was praised for it’s “tremendous job”. John Gerrie (sp) stood and gave us all a run down on how often he’d been on TV and radio, and how his Radio Scotland interview had been repeated hourly. He seemed rather pleased with himself. He finished with “unfortunately the trouble with the press is they want to give both sides, so whenever I was on Stewarty Milne (or other) was on not long after giving the clubs view” . Imagine that eh, the sheer cheek of the press trying to be fair? • Gerrie claims he stepped down from KCC so that he could approach the press as a plain citizen rather than as a community councillor, so KCC will not be withdrawing their objection. • He was very pleased with himself, and the allegations made are simply incorrect • Many residents were keen to precede their questions/statements with “I’ve been in Westhill since......” confirming of course they are not local and have themselves moved into green belt housing. • Police have not objected at all, seemingly to the disgust of residents • Ian Douglas raised a question about why if T in the Park was moved due to piplines under the site, are AFC being allowed to build here. He got this answer at the previous NO meeting which he was also at, but hey, let’s go again. As was again pointed out, the development is within the safe zones, and neither BP nor Shell, the stakeholders, have any objection to this build. • Ian Fyfe, a shareholder and Dons fan he says, then brought up why has this not been classified as a business relocation and blocked on those grounds. I couldn’t hear him properly so not sure what the argument is. • From the top table, disgust was expressed that the community facilities would “only” be a couple of football pitches, but no indoor gym or other facilities are going to be provided for the community by the club. Gotta love it! • Police again get it in the neck for not objecting • Finally we get to the crux – “does anyone know if property prices will go up or down”, ...more hilarity from the floor...they like a laugh these folks. Statement from top table again which ignores all studies where not a single one has shown a negative effect on house prices for similar developments, and a comment from the floor that it’s not like for like, elsewhere it’s Wembley, or Man City, but this is Aberdeen, there’s no attraction to them being on your doorstep! • Human Rights – oh yes, one of the highlights, why has no-one brought up the human rights violations of having this stadium in your locality, where are the human rights groups camping out on the site? Next up were the two MSPs • Alex Burnett encouraged the room to concentrate on possible alternative sites. If this is the only possible location, Dons will have a better chance of getting this passed. • Mike Rumbles encouraged the room not to write to him (I can understand this, he doesn’t like communicating with his constituents- from personal experience), and stated that he thinks it’s outrageous and perverse that Westhill/Aberdeenshire has no say in this development and this is simply wrong. OK Mr Rejected at the ballot box list MP!! Irony not your strong point. Meeting closed with a dig at the press, especially Aberdeen journals for mis-quoting them and being unfair, and supporting the Dons. The young reporter in front of me is shaking his head at this. I made sure as I left to point out that there may be 320 in the room, but it wasn’t all NKS/NO people. He gave me a wink, the little devil. And that was it, I took one of their pledge leaflets as I was leaving, and threw it in the bin outside. I’ve probably missed a bit or two, but you get the gist. They are very well organised, and really know their planning and legal stuff now, what they don’t know, or are being deliberately disingenuous to the assembled crowd is what a modern game of football and football stadium is all about, they want to paint a grim picture, and the assembled mob loved it.
  24. m1Ln3 wANts p1tT0drie foUr fl4T5
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