...he knows the feelings of the fans, especially after Sunday, easy to quash by simply saying he's not going there.
The fact he hasn't......
Hun bastard
There are no current Aberdonian refs, so your assumption is massive.
The only Aberdonian ex-refs in my lifetime that I can think of are Sandy Roy & Alan Freeland, who else?
Now in the Pish & Jobies, definitely leaving
policies proving popular even if he's not. Could get interesting
So like way at the back of the beach end back in the day then? Surely with singers at the back it encourages those in front to cheer too?
Anyway, you dinna half come up with some right shite, but this could be your best yet!
Nyet. They would just need to win around 280, there is no doubt at that point Jezza would come grovelling to Nicola to get into power. Lib-Dems won't have enough to take him over the line, so despite what he says (which is only to try to win over the anti-Scottish guffy vote) he'll do that.
All of this, but especially the bit in bold is absolutely spot on.
I've had a wee punt at 22/1 that it'll be a Labour minority govt. Long shot, but the polls are narrowing, and May's avoidance of the public is becoming noticed by the plebs.
Well no, as the SNP continue to do well, I'd suggest it's idiots like Murphy and Dugdale who have totally lost touch with their voters who've let the Mooth grab disaffected voters.
FFS min, it's nae difficult is it?
It's abhorrent that our national stadium actually has a "celtic" end and a "rangers" end. Does Wembley have an Arsenal end and a Man utd end? Of course it fucking doesn't.