Of all "your" 53 posts "on" this site, this "one" is by far the "biggest" standout as far as "utter" shite is concerned, "not" a single redeeming "feature" to be had, though "I" note descending into "ad hominem" attacks for "no" discernible reason other than most on "here" are disagreeing with you.
FYI, I love my wildlife me, love stalking the local deer in fact, in a non-gun-toting way around my local estate, deer spotting I suppose would be a better name for it. Where I wouldn't think of deer spotting though, is on a wide open park full o coos beside a 10k population village and a dual carraigeway.
One of my bestest and oldest mates today summed you mob up perfectly (he's a Hun btw), I'd have some respect for these nimbys if they admitted it's all about not wanting a football stadium on their doorstep, rather than hiding behind traffic, or wildlife, or pipelines. It's duplicitous garbage.
Loving the random quotation marks though.