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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. Mirror in the bathroom was one of my favourites at the time. Great gig at ruffles ( along with a few others) back in the day.
  2. Hungary beat Croatia in a good game, spoiled only by an officious little twat of a referee.
  3. The perfect scenario. Europe for ever.
  4. She’s just lost the dressing room.
  5. Very much doubt I will ever read his book but he won me over years ago when being asked what he would have been if he wasn't a footballer, replied "a virgin"
  6. Silence, underling. On your knees when you reply to me.
  7. Banning religions doesn't have a good track record of success or I'd ban the fuckin lot of them. Mannie in the sky pish.
  8. Running down the clock has worked perfectly well, I just hope it doesn't end in a happy Hatchet Face. John Bercow is a star, May has treated absolutely everyone she has come in contact with with contempt. They were talking about meaningful vote 4 More bullying, more bribes. Remember she didn't want parliament to be allowed a vote at all. Terrified of going back to the country in case she has to face up to the true "will of the people" she just keeps on going. I wish someone would take her batteries out.
  9. All he's really done is be the referee who awarded a penalty against Sevco at Ibrox. Despite it being a stonewaller the Tories are behaving the same as the Huns would. Did anyone see Andrea Leadsom's face? Nae Happy
  10. One John Bercow There’s only one John Bercow
  11. I could have, at a push, made it to the game today. I couldn't be arsed though because going to Pittodrie has become boring.
  12. That was the best (worst) one yet. Interviewing the English (and a few Huns) who actually live in Benidorm. Of course they all want to leave the EU without a deal. One guy says " This bar would close down if it weren't for the British, that proves that Europe need us more than we need them" Ignorant arrogant English arsehole, just par for the course.
  13. Tie a knot in it ya skinny cunt. Ken.
  14. On re- reading that I should have just left it at Westhill instead of changing it to shitehole. Fit quines are you spikkin aboot?
  15. Booooo Fuck the shite stadium in the shitehole
  16. Well I'm not on this thread much, except to say I don't watch the telly. I don't really like films either so it's a surprise to me to find something wonderful on the BBC iplayer. Marguerite I didn't think the French still had it in them.
  17. Lennon is a fucking arsehole. I'd ban him from Pittodrie as a visiting manager if I thought I'd get away with it. He's a straight jacket and nut house job.
  18. Easiest position on the field to play so most could do it (nae Ball) But you're right, this should be a case of the reserve (under whatever now) right back just stepping in. Minimum of fuss, minimum of disruption.
  19. Nae difference is there? It's all mannie in the sky stuff.
  20. They'll be christians, it's what you would expect from christians.
  21. Freddo’s a great name for him. Better not use it on Abmad though or Aldo will be falling over himself to be the first to clipe to the powers that be.
  22. I bloody hope we are paying him on a pay per play basis. Nobody near him when his knee went. Career finished I would say.
  23. Well you might find centre politics more appealing once they start carting the Jews off to the gas chambers again. Or maybe when you get the letter / email / tweet that tells you not to expect your son to come home, but never mind because he was brave. It's flag waving that causes all that sort of shite and the waving of flags seems to be getting more popular.
  24. Doesn't look like anyone at all is denying the anti semitism angle so may well be something in it. I watched the press conference this morning, they all looked like they were going to burst into tears. This may well just be an age thing but none of them looked capable of organising a piss up in a brewery. Makes the original Gang of Four look like big hitters indeed. The Labour Party has just went back to what it was and should be. A center party with a bit of clout is badly needed, whether this is the start of it........meh.
  25. 10 pints is nae alchoholism. Nae unless you're some sort of religious nutter. Well, MBT has spoken several times in the past about being an ex drinker. If that's what you choose to be then fine, I hope you get back to a position you're happy with. Being happy is the goal though, either with or without drink. I'm useless at moderation so I probably understand more than you'd think.
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