Ooooooh I need therapy, remembering the pictures.
That'll be the Day was the film, ABC was the venue.
There had been some fraternisation between Dyce youth club and Bridge of Don youth club
Both then in the shire, disco's and fights were arranged.
Anyway my mate was going out with Sandra and it looked like I was in with a decent chance with Jeanette (Janet really I expect)
Meet them outside the pictures.
The next two words my pal uttered are forever ingrained on my memory.
"TWO PLEASE" he said at the box office.
For f'uck sake, I had had to scrape together enough for my entrance and bus fare, it had never crossed my mind that I would be expected to pay for her.
"One please" I mumbled feeling her freeze beside me.
She fumbled in her bag and paid herself in.
It took about an hour for me to pluck up the courage to put my arm around her, she leaned forward leaving me to do that ridiculous teenage boy pretend yawn.
Who's life was ruined that night, as we practised for the inevitable humiliations life had in store for us?