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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. donsdaft


    I had to look him up, but He looks like a wanker to me He looks like a Tory wanker to me He looks like a Royalist Tory wanker to me
  2. Another suitcase in another hall.
  3. I did mention Simpson a few posts ago. Tattie’s real name is aloo isn’t it?
  4. If you've shagged a woman from that country, does that count? would ANYONE trust FIFA to make up a decent set of rules? Nah, I'm sticking to the place of your birth, but seeing myself in a minority am prepared to extend it to include your Fathers nationality. Girls football can have mothers nationality instead if they want. Can't say fairer than that. Either way this man u. bugger is English is he?
  5. You don't get paid? I bet the expenses are generous. So Tyrant ( with a lot more ability and commitment) Come and live in (insert country here) Free house exemption from tax hot and cold running women etc. etc. If it's a minging country do don't even have t live there, just say you do. Where do I sign?
  6. This is the problem really, do you get to choose? It all sounds very reasonable until you realise that all the best players are going to choose the country that pays them most.
  7. Nothing borderline about it. Representing " your country " is racist. Of course it is, it's tribal, it's what we all are. Anyway, I'm being pulled into the wrong side of this argument, I prefer to be a citizen of the world. But if you're going to have an international team then at least make it Scottish. Otherwise it's going to be all about money again, and we already have enough of those kind of competitions . If we made the ruling whatever country you stay in, then the English would have some fuckin team, and we wouldn't want that now, would we.
  8. A lawless brat from a council flat oh oh.
  9. Clarke's a minker He looks like a minker He sounds like a minker.
  10. You know, there was a story recently about a mother who was deaf, who took her daughter to some concert or other. Something a 14 year old girl would like. Anyway the mother sued the band for not providing sign language and therefore spoiling her night out. It could have been pish, I hope it was pish. I did however imagine someone signing the intro to Plastow Patricia.
  11. Aaaaaw, is that a team that gubbed the Tims getting thrashed ? I saw Real Madrid in a European final once, they got beat.
  12. .......and I’m doing very well
  13. Well I sympathise to a certain degree but I only didn’t play for Brazil because I was born in Aberdeen. Even as an ex manager of Aberdeen Ladies I would suggest that Alec McLeish was unlikely to pick her for the next campaign. Of course, I’m from Europe in case you couldn’t tell.
  14. Out of my brain on a train.
  15. They’re a bunch of arseholes right enough. Let’s pack in this ridiculous farce of a stadium in the country.
  16. It’s all f’uckin bollocks anyway, but if you are going to have international fitba then at least have rules that say you can only play for the country you were born in. That’s it, born in England then you’re fuckin English. This includes Neil fuckin Simpson, a mair Scottish lad you couldn’t imagine. If held down and threatened/ bribed I may relent to the Father rule. Then someone would call me sexist and I would revert to my original position
  17. I was “ made in Germany “ Does that count when choosing a team to support in the World Cup?
  18. He’s not though.
  19. It’s impossible not to look ahead to cup final day. Getting our optician to work a Saturday is a long drawn out battle. Of course she offered a certain Saturday in May. I don’t think she has worked out why I refused. Now, with two victories needed against teams that are more than capable of beating us, I’m making plans to take the grandson to his first final. It’s what makes us fans I suppose Aff our fuckin heids
  20. I had to listen to most of that on the radio but got a link for the last 15-20 minutes. Just enough time to see McLean being fuckin useless. Enough time to see O'Connor and Woodman being fuckin useless as well to be fair. None of them will be here next season. Thank fuck for that.
  21. That's a real boost What we couldn't do with a player like that.
  22. donsdaft


    Obviously office workers wouldn’t be expected to go in. However, what happens if KFC struggles to complete an order? Bring back hanging
  23. donsdaft


    Fair enough But I did a hell of a lot of skiving at school. When I started work ( Jan 6th 1975) I promised myself that I would change my ways. A natural skiver, every day has been a new challenge since.
  24. donsdaft


    In my day Okay this is recent For 10 years ( banned from having neighbours) Mrs Donsdaft and I lived in a cottage on a private estate ( ruined castle et all) some 35 miles south of Aberdeen. We had some belters of winters I used to get up at 5.00 and force my way through snowdrifts, over hills, down hills with narrow bridges at the bottom of them etc etc. Only once I never made it ( despite a ridiculous effort ) and that was because the coast road and the main duel carriageway were both closed with jackknifed lorries. Must open shop. On a number of occasions I slept at the shop because I was never going to get back in in the morning. Anyone needing their nosepads changing free of charge, I was there. Fuckin wimps the lot of this namby pamby generation
  25. Quote from: donsdaft on February 18, 2018, 07:26:16 PM Let me vow here and now that I will NEVER watch a Dons game with that arsehole Lennon as manager. Fair dues but may I remind you of the last time you vowed never to watch Aberdeen because of a dislike of someone. Quote from: donsdaft on July 12, 2017, 05:29:59 PM STOP PRESS ~ STOP PRESS ~ STOP PRESS ~ STOP PRESS DONSDAFT IN SPIKKING SHITE SHOCKER Despite continually whining and moaning about "nae gaun back" if Christie came back as a loan player, I have it on good authority that donsdaft was seen purchasing a season ticket earlier today. On leaving the ticket counter he was heard to mutter " 385 fuckin quid and they want a pound extra to send me the fuckin thing" DM was heard to say " it's just like a new signing" Just reporting the purchase of season ticket number 2 The seat next to me fell vacant so now has been purchased for 8 year old (step) grandson He'll have to pack in the swearing, it's the Main Stand after all. My " nae gaun back" days are over, I've got important work to do.
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