I tried it for a couple of weeks before I came here.
I'm sure there's a few decent lads ( as well as one very decent gal) but what a load of tossers the rest of them are.
No sense of humour (above Roy Chubby Brown standard) and thick as two short planks.
I gave up when the hard men started swopping stories about going to Echt Show ( during the day)
Lets face it lads, we are never going to understand women.
That wanker Farage left his German wife for his French mistress (it could be the other way around)
I hadn't realized that Marischal Square got any scrutiny at all.
They certainly didn't listen to anyone's opinion.
AFC are not accountable to anyone but their shareholders.
ACC are supposed to be accountable to us.
PS. I never heard anyone say that Langfield was the best we could expect to get.
You weren't listening ( reading) then.
" He's a good shot stopper"
" If he was a better keeper he wouldn't be here" ( one of my all time most hated quotes)
Once we get rid of McLean you'll see I was right all along.
It's been like folk backing Langfield because they thought he was the best we could expect to get.