It's a problem MBT it really is.
Of course I have no idea how old you are but I'm 59, what would I be looking for?
Apart from the obvious, women are a pain in the arse really.
Always fucking wanting stuff, never fuckin happy.
Okay, I've taken this on board but I still fancy another shottie ( in theory)
17 year old shenanigans are obviously out ( from both sides )
I don't want an over 50
Mrs Donsdaft is a fine looking woman but I've known her since she was 12, I think I still see the 20 year old version.
Other women of the same age are wifies, I dinna funcy wifies.
30? Nah, my son just turned 30, I'm too old for that.
Basically, the youngest I would get away with really would be 40 something.
Fuck that, no fuckin way in gods earth am I putting up with all that menopause stuff again.
So, there's no chance really of me choosing from any list of criteria.
Back to just keeping busy, making some form of effort to indulge in some activity I'm interested in.
Some female will eventually catch the eye.
Continue to chat up the quine in the baker ( you never know)
It's all hypothetical in my case and of course advice on affairs of the heart are always so bloody easy to give advice on compared with actually living through.
One way or another I hope it works out for you.
Remember about that bloody menopause though.