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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. Fraserburgh is the biggest selfish industry you mean. These buggers have been chancing their luck for years. No wonder the Russian factory ships used to just sit there waiting to be supplied. Not a hell of a lot of tax paid either. Nicola has no option but to call for another referendum, the bastards were going to try and pull us out of Europe. It doesn't have to take 2 years you know, they could still just go in, pick a fight and leave straight away. Don't think there was any masterplan behind any of it, the election was sheer stupidity, that's all.
  2. What are we going to sing at them? "We vote Tory more than you"
  3. It was the chance of getting rid of human rights that made the difference. We didn't want to turn down a chance like that. Human rights are for poofs
  4. Oh, she's finished, don't doubt it for one moment. They may try to keep there there for a while but watch out for the strings, they'll be quite noticeable. This whole bloody thing stems from infighting in the Tory party.
  5. The last thing the SNP wanted was to call another referendum, but after the English decided they wanted to go back to the days of empire there was little option. I don't like to take things down to personalities but I'm prepared to make an execption in this case. KEEP BUBBLiN YOU HATCHET FACED BITCH, YOU FUCKED THAT UP BIG STYLE.
  6. Fuck, you go to sleep for 5 minutes and Scotland betrays you again. Ach well, another shottie soon.
  7. Hatchet face out, whichever way you look at it. October election in the offing?
  8. It is a bit like saying that your three favourite statemen of all time were Ghandi, Lenin and Hitler. But then, we're talking about a nation that accepts monarchy. I rest my case.
  9. Well, is it going to be a long night, or will it be a case of sleeping in a bad mood by about 2.00? I'm never going to get the jist of this democracy thing, I saw a bloke yesterday say that he had always voted Labour but would change this time because he liked Teresa May. That's a case for the loony bin surely?
  10. Let's just take a moment to feel sorry for MP's I presume the majority of them believe in what they stand for and try to do a decent job for their constituents. Tomorrow they could lose their job, be voted out by people who literally don't have a clue. I don't mean that they have a different opinion, just folk who are voting for something completely unconnected like park and ride ( I've seen this happen) Or the sort of people who stand smoking in my doorway waiting for their bussie and say "should have gone to specsavers" 148 times one after another.
  11. You were doing fine, up until that last sentence.
  12. Don't min. Just don't.
  13. We haven't left Europe. We won't leave Europe
  14. They may well increase their vote but how many seats do you think they'll get. 0 - 3 ? I'm away to look out my banner that says I'm a human, no rights for me please.
  15. I was up in the old north stand, I remember the thing shaking. I was 15 years old , we were going to the world cup and independence was just around the corner. Those were the days. I'm away to watch it on YouTube
  16. I've never seen us lose against England. 1974, 1984 and the Gough one, 1986? Somehow got tickets for the stand in 1986, Hun bastards standing up for the English national anthem, me shouting " stuff the queen up your arse" Was it 1985? Seem to remember 2 Hampden games in a row for some reason.
  17. Well that'll help. However, getting rid of human rights will prove a popular move.
  18. Nae shortage of scum though. Freedom for Aberdonia
  19. Well, that was the weirdest election campaign. Clearly meant to be a victory procession for the Tories, that arsehole Teresa May ends up looking like she is about to burst into tears and skirling about getting rid of human rights. Unless she ends up with a 25+ majority then she is out anyway. Boris still waiting in the wings? Jeremy Corbyn has done much better than anyone could have expected, helped by a really good manifesto. Dianne Abbot on the other hand has ended up locking herself in her bedroom and refusing to come out from under the covers. Which is just as well because she is a useless cow. Fuck knows what the future for Corbyn is? Either he's Prime Minister, Leader of the opposition in a hung parliament or he's out on his arse. That chinless wonder who's leader of the Liberals is out whatever he does. Scottish politics has just become Huns versus non Huns. The only leader still standing after Thursday could well be Nicola Sturgeon. I'm going to stick with my prediction from last year of a hung parliament in the spring ( ok, early summer) and another election in October. However, beware the auld wifie. More and more, voting is split by age. As the wifie in her 90's said to me ( before the brexit vote) "I'm voting out because I don't want to be raped, and the police are not allowed to arrest immigrants if they rape you.)
  20. What you haven't taken into consideration, Rocket min, is that weegies are clearly some sort of underclass. There are definitely execptions but in gereral they are minkers.
  21. Ahhh He always got all the best lines. He always delivered them beautifully.
  22. You have to stand by your beliefs, even (or should I say especially) when you seem to be in a minority of 1.
  23. I refer you to what has been almost a one man campaign since the new year.
  24. Wot he said.
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