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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. Well I'll disagree with it. I won't be going to Hampden for a day oot. I'm going to see them win the cup.
  2. Labour are finished min. The English can only understand politics if it's a choice between two ( hence their ridiculous first past the post system) Therefore most will simply swap from Labour to the Tories. We would have a new party now if they weren't all trying to cling to Labour's money. Labour members have the party and leadership they want, I'm pleased for them but their position in UK politics now is as a minority member of a coalition government. It makes no difference if the SNP are unable to form a Westminster government, it is still the only sensible vote to cast if you live in Scotland.
  3. How does a vote placed in Scotland oust the tories from Westminster? That's a battle lost, the Labour party are fucked.
  4. Anyway, Happy May Day to you all. Masses of stuff on here today. In tory Britain though it will be a day to shop in Asda or the garden centre.
  5. Unelected as in a royal family, or a house of lords with bishops in it or just normal unelected as in being appointed by someone who has been elected?
  6. Scotlands only hope is to vote SNP It very much looks as if England are in the grip of some sort of "remember the war" nostalgia ( although most of them will only remember Dads Army) In retrospect it may turn out for the best but a bumpy time ahead certainly.
  7. Bollocks Macron is as pro European as I am. Of course things have to change, it's far too bureaucratic for a start. Hopefully the youngsters think more European than the oldies, just have to wait for the oldies to die off ( they're taking their fucking time)
  8. I know that you have to wash afterwards but if you were going to have a bath anyway it's worth having a wee peek into that bears den site. Pedro Pedro Pedro Out Out Out
  9. They want to leave the EU with no deal at all. This is what this election is all about. Of course they'll spin it to look like "They're ganging up on Britain " But in actual fact the tories will take a typically English approach to dealing with johnnie foreigner and just try to tell them what the deal will be. We can all do the type of "I want" speech delivered earlier in the year by hatchet face. Hopefully, the rest of us were all brought up properly to understand that just shouting "I want" in a louder voice didn't work. Her speaches are getting more and more absurd. I want it to be xmas everyday
  10. Stay off the booze if it does that to you
  11. Of course that's what they voted for, to get rid of the foreigners. So if we all believe in democracy then out they go
  12. He can honestly get tae fuck. Anti European bastard.
  13. Is that in the market? Did you catch fleas?
  14. I don't know why anyone bothers going to games after the split. It's embarrassing every year.
  15. Nobody cares though. I brought this up a few months ago ( I can't remember whether it was on here or Abmad) and nobody seemed to give a fuck. I care. Sevco are ineligible to play in Europe, any attempt from them to play in Europe should be accompanied by thousands of emails from Scottish football fans complaining to UEFA. Hearts should be making one hell of a fuss.
  16. Maybe he wants to be closer to Homer Simpson. Will Trump let him in though? I thought he was against Mexicans, Muslims and folk fae Tillydrone.
  17. Happy Birthday min. Maybe just stick to boozing and give the birthdays a miss in future
  18. Happy birthday Mrs. Al What made you marry a woman so much older than you?
  19. Sitting drinking Kriek A gift from the gods. Only half pints though, so it disnae count as beer.
  20. That's mair like it.
  21. Nae keen on either of those. Seve could play but my abiding memory of him is standing looking lost while we conceded yet another goal. If we can do this then I'll have Simmie, Cooper and Strachan. I wisnae that much of a fan of Strachan until he was protected properly.
  22. The Sunks
  23. Christ min Al, I can't believe you are right with this guff. Just turned off the podcast of Sportsound and some weegie bastards are trying to compare it to Halliday's tackle. So, let me get this right, a defense can now consist of comparing your crime with something unrelated that may happen in the future. Only listened to 10 minutes or so, God knows who picks the guests but they could at least try to make sure that they can speak properly. The program sounded like an advert for Tunes.
  24. Ach, just sell him and use the money to buy Kevin de Bruyner. Now, there's a midfielder for you.
  25. They deserve decisions like this. After all, they have the most money.
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