It's the nicest bit of the city center (sadly neglected) so if you want to build a civic square, pick a run down site.
I admit that I loved the "Trainie Park" when I was a kid so I felt the proposed destruction personally.
Even if I had no interest in the city at all I would have been against the project, if only for the appalling bias shown by the local journals (now not so local)
The article that sticks in my memory promised that no trees would be removed from the gardens.
Instead, they were going to be "repurposed"
Woodchips were the plan if I remember correctly.
Anyway, I'm surprised the trees are still there because they were rotten with disease and a danger to the public.
Talking of civic squares.
Despite dire warnings from Mrs. Donsdaft I just can't help talking politics in the shop, and I have to admit that the Trainie Park debates were split about 50/50 ( based, I would claim, on the amount of propaganda. The thought of all that money going to "the darkies" seemed to upset my older customers terribly )
However, nobody....and I mean NOBODY has a kind word to say about that monstrosity they are building opposite Marchial College.
If someone built an extension to their house without the relevant planning permission then the council would make them demolish it.
They have no mandate to build that eyesore, the public have made it perfectly clear what they think.
They should be made to take it down, preferably by hand themselves and fuck the cost.