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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. That's the first time I have seen her actually say anything but for some reason I have this instinctive dislike of this woman. Perhaps she should ask the English apple growers why they stopped growing apples. There's a story behind the demise of the English cheese industry as well, something to do with the Yanks and dairylee. Thank god the cheese industry made a comeback, I can't see them replanting the apple orchards though. The speech sounds a bit " dig for victory " for my liking , why not just avoid the war. Anyway, NO
  2. I was, you'll be pleased to hear, shouting at the telly every time this was mentioned.
  3. Exactly However we are continually bombarded with lies such as yesterday's headlines regarding Dens Park and Dundee v Sevco previous results
  4. You forget the obvious answer to the whole problem Rico min. One that's served the powerful well over the years. One that keeps the lowly in their place WAR
  5. Fuck sake! Have the English no idea at all how to fix a draw?
  6. So, now we choose fuckin tim players before our own. It's fuckin pathetic
  7. donsdaft


    As a non film buff may I butt in here and say that watching films you like over and over again is a pleasure. It's the same with reading books. Mrs Donsdaft doesn't understand it, she'd rather read some drivel than re-read a classic. I don't get the adversion at all, after all if you hear a good piece of music you don't think " that was great but I've heard it now so I never want to hear it again."
  8. I don't do moderation. Manc min, we've been through this snacking thing before, grazing they called it. Very big in the States it was , and they are very big in the States. Size of meals is a problem ( smaller plates work wonders) but constant snacking is disaster. I always think of a pretty slim French bit o' stuff ( just a moment to contemplate...mmmm) She breaks almost every Yank diet rule going. Breakfast - Croissant, jam, coffee Lunch - Three courses probably including pate' bread, wine and something fine for pudding I've never worked out what they eat in the evening because I've always had far too much wine at denner time. That would be traditional, perhaps the modern pace has changed things regarding longer lunch breaks ( I doubt it in France) She doesn't eat large amounts but you'll never catch her cramming crisps into her face while clutching a 2 litre bottle of diet coke. Anyway, must go now, Monique is calling me from the bedroom.
  9. I'm sure it works for you, cutting out stuff usually does. Low carb, low fat, look at the Italians they are fat, look at the Italians they are healthy. Yes, we've heard it all. I'm not for a moment accusing you of following any faddy diet ( I'm allowed a mars bar on a Tuesday)I'm pretty sure you wouldn't fall for any of their crap. I was on 10 pints a night so giving up the beer should be a good start. Life without beer I'm coming to terms with, life without bread?.......nah.
  10. Bread is my favourite food. We have lived through one hell of a lot of food fad shite in our time, I'm sticking with my crusty loaf.
  11. Well nae dry, only aff the beer. Badly needed though, the belly has to go.
  12. Well I won't watch the new roots, I saw the first one. I've been in the village the guy was supposed to have come from. Load of shite. I'll tell you this though, no white man at the time ever had to go more than 100 yards from his ship.
  13. Aff the beer Be 5 weeks after this weekend. Going all sophisticated, coffee and triple sec for me tonight.
  14. Could be a wrong spy min but did we not meet at the Pittodrie Bar Gothenburg Anniversary night. You had an original '83 jersey on. Anyway, just finished another couple of episodes of Secret Army Don't think I'll be deleting them off my iPad when I'm finished.
  15. Dinna watch the telly, loads of reasons but mainly because it's crap. Anyway, I'm getting on a bit and fully believe that things never got any better than they were in the seventies. With that in mind I've been watching some classics. Finished the entire set of Colditz episodes on YouTube ( although the first 3 episodes were crap) it was great. Good fortune has allowed me to download all 3 series of Secret Army Series 1 is absolute heaven, I'm halfway through series 2 It got off to a bad start with the introduction of appaling background music but seems to have settled down. It's all keeping me off the beer although I've started drinking coffee and just bought myself a hat. Listen very carefully I said that only once.
  16. Hey! I bought one. Coooooelllll £18 but what the hell.
  17. "how weak would a nation be to be affected by another" Welcome to Scotland
  18. I spent my early teenage years in Dyce so I remember when the airport actually was in Dyce. It was just a jumped up portacabin then. Now it's a few portacabins joined together. I don't expect it to be a Frankfurt or a schipol but couldn't it aspire to being half a Munich?
  19. donsdaft


    Nah. Definitely not my type
  20. Always fancied wearing a hat A homburg or a fedora. Only problem is......the last time I tried one on, I looked in the mirror and there was Bernie Winters looking back at me. Not quite the thin white duke image I had in mind.
  21. Cheers, although it'll be gone soon. I'll enjoy it while it's here
  22. That's the funniest bit of video I've ever seen
  23. Christ I was joking about the key but having been stranded in their stupid corridor for 10 minutes while they remembered to eventually open 2 separate doors it's beyond a joke. At least I got a chance to see a plaque which announced that it's not a corridor but an " international walkway " Only Dyce airport could have an official opening of a fuckin corridor
  24. Well, if he's a hun then he can fuck off. Of course the thing that annoys me most is the weegie assumption that nobody could EVER turn an offer from Ibrox down.
  25. 18 red roses for a tenner from Morrisons Bloody good roses too. Same from the florist next door....£125
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